Nov 21, 2013

Kālī darshana

Images of Mahavidya Kālī you can see below are from Kālī temple at Daksineshwar in Calcuta India. Tantric master Ramakrishna spent his whole life there.

Kālī images can speak to you, for they are alive.

Enjoy this online Kālī darshana.

Do be careful what you wish for when opening up to Mahavidya Kālī, for She might just give it to you, fast.

Aug 14, 2013

Shiva & Shakti dance

According to the Tantric world view, there are two polarities in this universe, complementing each other and in essence being only One: Shiva (static consciousness) and Shakti (dynamic energy).

And these two archetypes of deep transpersonal (beyond personal, spiritual) state of consciousness have their reflections in each of us: male and female aspects of our inner psychological dynamics.

In my experiences, it is the imbalance between the two that is at the root of many human troubles here on Earth...

...and it might be honest openness to these inner male and female disharmonies that can bring deep healing to the heart of hearts.

Walking the Left Hand Tantric path, I love these rimes:

"I will not have you without the darkness
that hides within you.
I will not let you have me without the madness
that makes me.

If our demons 
cannot dance,
neither can we."

- Nikita Gill

May 28, 2013

The Dark Goddess Kali

Om Krim Kali
Kali, the Dark and Terrible Goddess, Queen of all asuras or demons, the first and foremost of the celebrated ten Mahavidyas (Great Goddesses, full of perfect Wisdom) of ancient Tantric tradition.

 "In another aspect the Mother Divine is called Kali. 

In this aspect she is the warrior Mother who is fighting all the time against the hostile forces, against human imperfection, limitation, bondage and death.

At the same time, she is all Compassion for the sincere seekers.  In all Her divine aspects, the transcendental Mother is full of Compassion, but in this aspect she is undoubtedly the Mother of supernal Compassion.  

Kali has more Compassion than the others, for she does not allow anyone to cherish imperfection in the physical plane, the vital plane, the mental plane, or in any other plane. 

It is her infinite Compassion that frees men from the fetters of ignorance."  
- Excerpt from The Dance Of The Cosmic Gods by Sri Chinmoy 

No amount of words is enough to describe Her Power, Wisdom, Grace and Magick. She is way beyond every single concept in our minds.

She is the one great Goddess of the Left Hand Path.

Be careful when working with Her!

Mar 27, 2013

Light in the Dark

First blog on our new website! Welcome!

I'd like to share what this aspect of my work, the LVX Ferre (Ars Heosphoros) website, is all about. What follows is my subjective view about what the Left-hand Path is and is not.

I will employ a bit of deconstructive criticism.

Growing up and waking up

There are many, many paths and the Left-Hand Path (LHP) is generally understood to deal with the dark aspects of existence.

Just like the Right-Hand Path might have its star followers (law-abiding, rules-following, God-fearing, avoiding sin out of fear, kind and polite out of duty, maintaining celibacy -- basically denying full inner freedom and power), so does the LHP:
45 years old adolescents who still rebel against any system, angry and hurt men who believe Satan is their angry God and vengeance will soon be at hand, sad women who were perhaps mistreated from day one and now (unaware) swear by the darkest of demons but in truth, all they want is to be noticed and loved, etc.

Nothing of the above has got anything to do with the LHP as I perceive it, for, generally speaking, two processes are going on in any given human life: 
- growing up (personal development) and 
- waking up (spiritual awakening).

The above cases are maybe ripe for a quality humanistic psychotherapy session, not LHP and Dark arts, in my opinion.

Why humanistic? Because individualization and self-actualization (meaning, growing up and becoming a responsible, healthy, and happy person without childish games of pointing fingers and rebelling or screaming for attention) is the goal of the humanistic approach. And humanistic psychology deals with the personal aspects of human awareness: nothing spiritual or transcendental or even remotely Dark there.

One has to learn to walk (by growing up) first before one can fly in the sky of spiritual awakening.

LHP drama 

Yes, many might join our ranks motivated by anger, pain, despair, and maybe find comfort in the company of other hurt and lonely people, probably desperately swearing their eternal allegiance to the "Dark and Wrathful Horned God" with little or no empirical knowledge of him whatsoever.

Engaging in the LHP can be, and indeed in many cases is, only a drama and a substitute for real-life; oftentimes the LHP club is merely a runaway strategy from deeper and mostly fucked up inner reality.

Is anything wrong with that? Nope.

So, what am I saying? That one has to be healed first to take the medicine? Nope.

Fire from within

To drive the points I'd love to make in this article right in, let us read this beautiful and touching poem (emphasis mine):

The Luciferian Witch

This religion is not your calling
Your insurrection is not a falling.
Seek culmination beyond the herd,
Your cultivation is self-conferred.
Azazel wants not your service,
Let not his presence make you nervous.
Satan is not our dark lord,
Nor a devil to be abhorred.
Not a source of quick reward,
But an arcane force to be explored.
Do not pray to Lucifer,
For that is not what He’d prefer.
Look inside to see the truth,
The black flame burns away uncouth.
Do not follow the path that is graveled,
But follow the one that is less traveled.
Find the demons deep therein,
Hail thyself!
Your power is within.

- Poem by John M Penkal, author of Truly Satanic vol 1. book.

 LHP is only a process

My point is that LHP is so, so much more than seeking solutions on the outside, angry rebelling, naively bowing to some leader of a "dark coven" and playing the role of a dark one, for the goal of LHP is the same as that of most other paths:
freedom, self-respect, love, liberty, strength, health, liberating spiritual insight, wisdom, and pure joy!

Dealing with inner personal shadow and working with "dark" spirits is not the point of the LHP in and by itself - it is JUST a path, a process, nothing more.

Granted, it is a path or process that can be quite challenging and even dangerous simply because it takes more dedication, sincerity, openness, common sense, and wisdom to even walk the path, let alone master it, but it is still only a process and only a path.

And a lot of LHP followers confuse the two: the goal and the path, meaning that many take darkness as the goal instead of only as a path. It gets really, really dark if one does that.

True answers, long-lasting solutions to the human thirst for happiness can not be given from the outside, not even by Lucifer or Satan, as the lovely poem above so clearly points out.

What do you think/feel?

Darkness is not the goal

And so, the LVX Ferre (Ars Heosphoros) website and this aspect of my work are about our inner potential, inner journey through Darkness to the Light, and beyond them both. It is not about the drama around the darkness and "dark paths". Other websites deal with that effectively and profitably, it seems.

LVX Ferre is about the road less traveled: it is about the goal of the LHP which leads beyond Light and Darkness, and which de facto fortifies and indeed actualizes personal and transpersonal responsibility and freedom of serious adepts.

It is about employing the Dark side of existence to make things more real, more down-to-earth, more up close and personal, moving from head/mind to the heart/soul.

'All in' is the motto around here; all in, meaning embracing everything and denying nothing without attaching oneself to the process, regardless.

Ἑωσφόρος Νύξ

You might also want to see Dark in the Light, here >>

Mar 26, 2013

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