"I was deep, deep, deep in s**t, and I reached out to Heosphoros Nox via Facebook. We talked for over 45 mins, and already during the conversation, I was feeling better.

He performed a cleansing/banishing and healing operation that night, and, honestly speaking, he saved my life! 

I was losing it, and now I am back on the horse!

Thank you, brother!"
- a FB friend

 You can read all published testimonials below.

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Based on extensive experiences with Tantric and magical operations since 1993, I am offering Spiritual and Magical Services to all in real need.

Anyone may request the services outlined below.

I take my work very seriously, so please get in touch with me if and when all other forms of help do not produce the results you desire and after you have exhausted other means of improving your situation.

Most operations require your active involvement (you will receive all the details via email) and constructive action in your daily life. This is very important, for most people do not want to be a part of the process they just want to be part of the outcome they desire. 

These operations might include spirits from the Abramelin operation, Grimorium Verum, Goetia, angels and archangels from the Tree of Life and Tree of Knowledge, various Tantric deities, etc.

Evocation and invocation assistance and teachings are delivered online (not in person) when certain conditions on your part are met. 

If you have a special situation and would want a specific magical service tailored to your unique needs, contact me!

Current waiting time for most operations: 3 - 5 days.
Emergencies (i.e., psychic attacks): 1-2 days

Spiritual and Magical Services:

Basic workings:
• angelic / daemon blessing 90€ 
• find / bring back lost object 120€ 
• improve ESP & astral senses 140€ 
• improve lucid dreaming / astral projection 140€ 
• help to make enemies into friends 140€ 
• to achieve friendship with a famous man or a woman 140€ 
• stopping public slandering/gossip 130€ 
• custom working 180€ 

Love and intimacy:

• bringing new lover into your life 120€ 
• help to make a friend into lover 120€ 
• gay/lesbian love increased 110€ 
• bringing passion into one’s love life 110
• to strengthen the bond between you and your partner 120€ 
• increase your attractiveness 120€ 
• to be wanted and attractive 110€ 
• to improve sexual drive 150€ 
• to get over lost love or ex-lover/partner 160€ 
• custom love spell/working 180€ 

Health and protection:

• canceling pacts with spirits 140€ 
• custom healing/protection spell 170€ 
• curse/hex removal 170€ 
• healing a magical sickness 140€ 
• generational curse/hex removal 190€ 
• trans-incarnation curse/pact removal 190€ 
• clearing negative influence from ancestors (epigenetics)  140€ 

Banishing and purification/cleansing:

• banish negative energies 130€ 
• stop (black/red) magic 130€ 
• purification on all levels 140€ 

Protective services and operations:
• protection against psychic attack 180€ 
• protection for your family, friends, and loved ones 180€ 
• protection for your organization, coven, guild, group 230€ 
• custom protective operation 250€ 

Job and money:

• assistance to get a job 170€ 
• assistance for promotion 160€ 
• assistance to bring in more business 250€ 
• assistance to attract an investor 270€ 
• custom working 290€ 

, confidence, dignity:

• increasing self-confidence and joy 120€ 
• more magnetism, dignity 120€ 
• improve self-image 110€ 
• custom magnetism/dignity spell 190€ 

Home and Family:

• bless a home, house, flat with pure Light 90€ 
• attract positive/angelic energies into your home 90€ 
• remove negativeness from your home 160€ 
• custom home/family spell 200€ 

Evocation and invocation assistance and teachings:

• evocation assistance 190€ 
• invocation assistance 190€ 
• teaching evocation 300€ 
• teaching invocation 300€ 
• contact with an evoked spirit, a deceased soul or a demon 250€ 
• contact with an evoked angel or a deity 250€ 
• custom evocation/invocation operation 350

If you have a special situation and would want a specific magical service tailored to your unique needs, contact me!

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How to order magical assistance

First, read our Terms of Use, please >>

If you agree with these Terms, go right ahead:

1. Book a consultation with me to discuss the situation and email me at

2. You can also use the contact form there on the right-hand side (of the desktop view of the Blog) and

3. Explain your situation in detail:
  • what exactly do you require, 
  • why, 
  • what have you done thus far to get results, 
  • names of people involved (links to photos welcome).
You will be notified when your request for assistance is approved with all the details for our successful cooperation.

Your details and information about your case are privileged, and I never disclose it to the third party under any circumstance.

Donations (payments) are always in advance; you will receive a PayPal payment or Amazon e-Gift Voucher link in an email.
I offer no refunds as High Magic always produces results.

Current waiting time for most operations: 3 - 5 days.
Emergencies (i.e., psychic attacks): 1-2 days 

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Here you can read some of the feedback my clients shared after a successful magical operation:

"I contacted some other magicians, and they all said my soul was offered to the demons by two powerful black witches, but none could help me.
I decided to contact you because one of those magicians said you are powerful.

Well, to make a long story short, I don't know what you did, but the attacks stopped last night after months of sheer suffering.

Thank you, HN!!!"
- the client wants to stay anonymous

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"Anger, depression, and anxiety attacks previously never known to me started a few years ago. I sought help from the occult as well, to no avail.

I was referred to you by a trusted friend, and after reading your Blog, I sensed you are a real deal.

It has been a week since your intervention, and I still sleep soundly, rage attacks are no more, and I feel free. Tnx H. N.!"
- the client wants to stay anonymous

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"I was deep, deep, deep in s**t, and I reached out to Heosphoros Nox via FB. We talked for over 45 mins, and already during the conversation, I was feeling better.

He performed a cleansing/banishing and healing operation that night, and, honestly speaking, he saved my life! 

I was losing it, and now I am back on the horse!

Thank you, brother!"
- a FB friend

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"My 8 years old daughter has been waking up screaming, stiff cold, and terrified for weeks now. We took her to the hospital, and they did all they could. Nothing wrong with her, they said.

So I turned to the magic. H.N. was quick to answer the call; he asked me some specific questions about my daughter and the overall situation and said he was willing to help.

Well, it has been a week now, and my daughter is excellent—no screaming at nights.

Thank you, HN, from the bottom of my heart."
- a parent

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"I wanted to experience more astral projection and to read other people's energy/mind/feelings.

HN was accomodating as before and suggested a few things before doing his thing.

Well, it did not go as I planned, but my astral senses and clairvoyance are active and accurate more and more!

Tnx HN, again."
- the client wants to stay anonymous

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