Mar 25, 2018

The Evocation of Lilith

This ritual should be performed during New Moon. The magician must not have sex for the previous 11 days, and also, shouldn’t sleep 24 hours before the ritual.

You will need two black candles, and strong incense like Dragon’s Blood or Musk; the Black Mirror and the Seal of Lilith.

Lit the candles and the incense, and focus your attention on the seal. Once you have done this, begin chanting either aloud or mentally, the following mantra eleven times:

Renich viasa avage lillith lirach 

Feel the dark energy around you. When you feel ready, spill some of your blood on the seal and then begin with the invocation:

Ishet Zenunim Taninsam Ama Lilith Liftoach Kliffot! 
In this Dark Night, it’s my true will to evoke the Queen of Sitra Ahra Lilith, Queen of Harlotry,
 Mother of all Demons, Mistress of Gamaliel, Unholy Mother of Prostitution, appear before me, 

This Black Mirror is a Portal to the Other Side, A living manifestation of your Timeless Power! Lepaca Gamaliel! Lepaca Lilith! 
Obscene Bloodthirsty Mother, Black Madonna, 
Open the portals to the Other Side and appear on this mirror, 
Teach me your Unholy Secrets, Great Mother of Demons, 
appear and show me you true face, Because I am your son/daughter...

Ishet Zenunim Taninsam Ama Lilith Liftoach Kliffot! 
(11x times) 

In the name of the Dragon! Ho Drakon Ho Megas! 

Begin touching yourself and focus your attention on the seal. When you reach orgasm, project the image of the seal in the mirror. Open your mind and let the experience flow free.

Sources: adaptation of text from Liber Azerate


Here we see a typical dark ritual including fire, blood, words of power, orgasm, mirror.

Of course, offering blood or sperm to a spirit is a fast way up or down, depending on the operator's clarity of perception. Queen Lilith is not any spirit, of course, but the ride can get very rough nevertheless.

Good luck!

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