Ars Goetia

"...this is a gateway or key to the mind-expanding and developing. 

The Walls are torn down, yet they are at the same time built higher than they ever have been before. Goetic Sorcery should in itself be the grammar and foundation for the Arte of Magick, which is to ascend in the light and warmth of the Sun. 
To fully understand and perceive the Self and the Light within, one must explore the Demonic or Infernal realms. 

They often bring swift success, and a meteoritic fall into flame – instead of the self  within igniting the exterior brings fire unto the self, destroying it."

- Goetia of Shadows - The Lesser Key of Solomon,
The Luciferian edition, >> (new page opens up)

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I have performed a wide range of Goetia evocations and employed the power, skills, and wisdom of many angelic beings listed in the book mentioned above. 

It is important to discriminate between Goetia magic and listed beings, however. While Ars Goetia expounds on the magical procedures in terms of coercion, threats, and commands, the beings listed in the book do not call for the good guy (operator) - bad guy (being evoked) approach. Far from it.

See also: