Mar 26, 2013

Terms of use


Please read this Agreement carefully before accessing or reading Ars Heosphoros Blog.

By accessing or using this website, you are agreeing to comply with and be bound by the terms of use. If you do not agree to these terms, then you may not access or use this website. 

If the terms of use are considered an offer, then acceptance is expressly limited to these terms. This disclaimer is subject to change at any time. Please read it periodically to stay updated and informed.

This is the personal website of Heosphoros NOX. This blog acts as a creative space in which Heosphoros NOX can muse on the Spiritual Left-Hand Path (LHP), Tantra, Vajrayana. This blog is intended for mature audiences only.

Heosphoros NOX offers his spiritual notes, ponderings, and musings as a part of his spiritual work (LHP, magick, Tantra, Vajrayana). Heosphoros NOX draws from various religious and psychological perspectives to clarify the universal nature of spiritual symbolism. His spiritual perspective is Universal and Perennial:  rooted in ancient spiritual teachings on Vedanta (the Upanishads), Tantra, and Western hermetic and occult sciences. He writes about the theory of depth psychology as a means to clarify a Universal spiritual perspective, as rooted in the said traditions.

This work is offered in service of spiritual and religious freedom. The psychological theory provided is only intended to augment spiritual knowledge.  If you are not sure if you are ready for Perennial Spiritual Wisdom as offered by Heosphoros NOX, or if you require the expertise offered by an adviser, consultant, or a therapist, then please seek the advice of such a professional before reading this blog. We accept NO liability for your response to the ideas, writing, texts comments, images, or any other aspect of the content on this blog. Only you can decide if reading this blog is right for you. Only you are responsible for your reactions and actions in regards to the ideas. Read at your own risk.

Heosphoros NOX offers interpretations of these texts that are his own. The interpretations of texts presented here are NOT ordained by any particular organization. Heosphoros NOX is NOT a part of an association that might offer approval of his opinions or textual interpretations. The writings offered are NOT peer-reviewed. If you are seeking a more standard interpretation please look elsewhere.

Heosphoros NOX is NOT responsible for the consequences of your spiritual path. This website is spiritual in nature. The Website is for information, education, and entertainment purposes only. This website is NOT an advisory service. This is NOT a mental health website. We do NOT offer crisis counseling. 

Nothing on this website should be construed as advice.

The information included on this site is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional advice. The reader should always consult a qualified professional to determine the appropriateness of the information for their situation or if they have any questions. Reading the information on this website does not create a professional relationship. The information provided is not a substitute for psychological care and attention. We are not responsible for the consequences of neither your spiritual path nor your psychological growth. The material provided here is provided AS-IS with no warranties or guarantees. We are not responsible for, and will not compensate in any way for, any loss or damage related directly or indirectly to the information on this site.

Neither Heosphoros NOX NOR any other of its writers offer psychological advice or advice of any kind. Although the writers may explicitly state their credentials, this in no way constitutes a professional relationship or offering. Credentials are listed to express research interests only. The writers are NOT mental health professionals, legal advisers, or any other type of advisers.
If you need psychological advice or if you feel that you have a mental health issue, please consult a mental health practitioner through one of the nationally recognized organizations such as the American Psychological Organization or the American Counseling Association. If you are having a crisis or emergency please call your local emergency number or the mental health crisis hotline listed in your local phone directory. Heosphoros NOX is NOT a crisis counselor and does NOT offer any form of counseling on or through this blog.

Heosphoros NOX reads the work of Carl Jung, Ken Wilber, Abraham Maslow, and other authors from a spiritual perspective. He is NOT a Certified Jungian Analysts or psychologist. His ideas are his alone. He does NOT represent any educational institution. He does NOT represent the field of mental health NOR psychology. It is possible that the traditional Jungian Institutes or any other organization or field of psychology may reject or disagree with the spiritual perspectives or textual interpretations found on this Blog. It would be unwise to rely on us for your Jungian or psychological education. Please seek out a qualified educational institution for such educational purposes.

Heosphoros NOX is NOT a swami or guru. He does NOT represent any spiritual institution. He does NOT represent any particular religion. Heosphoros NOX writes in defense of universal religious freedom, and the right of all beings to pursue Spiritual Enlightenment.

Heosphoros NOX makes NO representations as to accuracy, completeness, suitability, or validity of any information on this site and will NOT be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its display or use. Nothing in this blog is intended to specify knowledge or facts within a specific domain. Nothing on this Blog is intended as a testimony for a specific therapeutic or spiritual method or should be construed as personal invitations to engage in a specific therapeutic or spiritual practice. Relying on Heosphoros NOX in such a capacity is unwise. Please consult a professional.

By reading, commenting on this blog, or contacting Heosphoros NOX via the website you are making an express agreement that this blog is not to be used as a substitute for professional advice by psychological, legal, medical, financial, business, or other qualified professionals.

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In no event shall Heosphoros NOX be liable for any loss, property damage, personal injury, or for any other special, direct, indirect, incidental, economic, cover, punitive, special or consequential damages, however, caused and whether arising under contract, tort, negligence, or other theory of liability.
Heosphoros NOX will not be liable to you for any actual, direct or indirect, special, incidental, consequential, exemplary, or punitive damages of any kind, including lost profits, that may occur because of errors, omission, or opinions and interpretations presented on this blog, or any for any reason related to this blog, or for any subsequent conversations or email communications initiated in relation to this blog.

You agree that Heosphoros NOX is not responsible for any damages you may suffer or incur resulting from the use of this website. You agree that Heosphoros NOX is not responsible for any damages you may suffer or incur resulting from reading the opinions and textual interpretations as offered by Heosphoros NOX.

All the material provided here is provided AS-IS with no warranties or guarantees. We are not responsible for, and will not compensate in any way for, any loss or damage related directly or indirectly to the information on this site.

Heosphoros NOX writes in the European Union. All actions on this blog take place under the laws of the EU. Users understand that there is NO liability because all use is at their own risk. If a user wishes to dispute this fact, then any dispute will be mediated by a mediator within the EU under the laws of the EU, paid for at the user’s expense.

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No warranty, express or implied, is made regarding the condition or fitness of the information offered or the use of the information for any particular use or purpose. Your use of this website is solely at your risk.

Copyright Policy

Heosphoros NOX © 2013- 2025. All rights reserved. You are welcome to use one paragraph of content on a personal website or blog. If you are going to use Heosphoros NOX´s work you must reference him as the author and include a link to the website. Any further copying, in whole or in part, of any writing on this website, is strictly prohibited unless approved in advance in writing.
While Heosphoros NOX aims to reference all authors correctly and use artwork from the public domain or with permission, it is possible he may make an error. If we have infringed on your copyright in any way, please send us an e-mail and we will correct the issue right away.
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Heosphoros NOX will NOT sell any of your personal or contact information. Please understand that Heosphoros NOX is NOT responsible for the privacy practices of, Google Inc., or any other organization associated with this Blog.

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Heosphoros NOX reserves the right to change the terms of use at any time.

We reserve the right to change the focus of this blog, to shut it down, sell it, or publish it in book form.

We reserve the right to change the contents on this blog at any time, including blog posts and comments.

We reserve the right to change this disclaimer at any time.

We reserve the right not to respond to any comment or communication from readers for any reason, at any time.

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Heosphoros NOX is committed to being himself as part of his Self-realization process. You may find the comments to responses to comments may be caring and personal, or you may find them offensive. By reading this blog and commenting you agree that your reactions to any communications are your responsibility.

This blog is NOT a space for discussion regarding personal issues or problems. Heosphoros NOX does NOT offer crisis counseling services. Responses to your comments do NOT constitute psychological advice or advice of any type. Any appearance that Heosphoros NOX is engaged in these activities is coincidental only and should NOT be interpreted by you as offering any type of advice.

By commenting on this blog you are making an express agreement that this blog is not to be used as a substitute for professional advice by psychological, legal, medical, financial, business, or other qualified professionals.

You are welcome to ask questions. If Heosphoros NOX answers your question, this in NO manner is a guarantee as to the accuracy, completeness, suitability, or validity. It may take the writers a while to get back to you or they may not get back to you at all.

We reserve the right to delete user comments for any reason, at any time. Comments may be deleted if deemed inappropriately personal. If you make a comment that addresses personal problems, we reserve the right to offer a reminder that counseling is an option, but there is no guarantee that we will do so or respond at all. If you say you are thinking of harming yourself or others we reserve the right to contact law enforcement, but there is no guarantee that we will do so or respond at all.
Heosphoros NOX does NOT monitor comments. The internet is unpredictable.

We are unable to monitor who uses this Blog, why, and what they say. By using this blog, users are taking any and all risks associated with the comments into their own hands.