Jan 28, 2018

Lilith, the Dark Queen of Demons

Lilith is my favorite Queen as far as Dark Arts are concerned. We go a long way back and She has supported me in both spiritual and everyday lives.

She has many sigils (see one here to the left), aspects, names and abilities.

It takes years to master Her teachings and practices. She is very powerful and wise indeed:

"The Flame needs oxygen to live and I am both."

Lilith, the Queen of Sitra Aahra book:

"Ama Lilith is the Dark Mother. The progenitor of demons. She seduces us from the Dark Side of the Moon, leads on the men with sinful dreams of luxury and lechery. She leads women to the path of seduction, teaches them about free sexuality without restrictions. She teaches them the power of sex to express the True Will on earth.

She is Lilith, the Black Madonna, she is the one who hunts in dreams, becomes the nightmare of the Saint and good men. She is who confronts us with our deepest fears, dreams and longings. She is evil and seductress, and can be either an unbeatable ally or the worst of enemies.

Working with this aspect of Lilith is going to open our minds, and lead our soul to dark regions of the astral plane, to the Black Side of the Moon; where the nightmares dwell - the deepest fears and the vampire demons of sexuality, the Incubus and the Succubus.

Those who are not ready to pass the tests that await on the Realms of the Black Moon, will be the victims of these demons. Those will be an empty vessel of flesh, tormented by the nocturnal horrors.

But those who are able to go deep into the darkness of their own being, and raise from it, will gain powerful allies and learn the secrets of the Dark Moon Magic and the Secrets of Lilith herself."

As I said, She has been in my lives for a very long time and She taught me really a lot. To me, She represents pure Love here above the Abyss: Light and Wisdom and Understanding.

Lets take a look at some of Her abilities:

- to suduce anyone, sexually, by bending their will, altering thoughts,
- She knows (and can teach) the secrets of sexual magick,
- to bring pleasures, enjoyments,
- to bestow fierce independance, powerfull will, freedom from moral justice, dignity,
- She can bring anyone under magus control, totaly,
- She heals with laughter, good will, hapiness, joy,
- She bestows crystal clear view of the infernal realms, clairvoyance, clairaudiance, claircognizance,
- She bestows freedom and independance from others and from relationships,
- She bestows understanding, wisdom and light unto magus,
- She enjoys rough sex, she is insatiable,
- She commands all infernal spirits as she is their Queen,
- She works with Lucifer / Samael, her wish is his command,
- She is loyal unto magus, offering him everything,
- She protects the magus in everyday life, dreaming, sleep, astral travels,
- She gives faitful and loyal familiars to magus,
- Her number is 3 and 6.

One has to treat Her with respect. She needs nothing from a magus, for She sees through him and if he is not careful, his illusions and attachments maight destroy him.

"I give everything, just don't be afraid to look."
- Lilith

We can evoke and invoke Her by employing this extremly potent words of power:

Renich viasa avage lillith lirach


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