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Mar 20, 2022

Working with Belial


There are many levels of understanding of how to work with beings listed in Goetia.

The beginner entry-level seems to be outlined in the book itself: coercion, threats, commands. 

At this level, the operator vaguely comprehends the gravity of the situation and is barely able to see beyond his or her limited awareness. Fueled by such superficial awareness, he or she doesn't want to be a part of the process, only part of the outcome. 

Furthermore, the use of the word Goetia (as opposed to Theurgía) in the present context is inaccurate and might lead to various misunderstandings, i.e. the beings concerned being called 'Goetia beings'.

This is clear: Goetia does not represent a type of being but a type of magic, and treating every single being as something to control or command is rather shortsighted.

Who in his or her right mind would even dare to evoke a being akin to Belial who is said to have well over 250.000 spirits under his direct command, and coerce him into some triangle and make direct threats?

Without deeper insight into the operator's own awareness and the true nature of an evoked being, stupid mistakes can be made.

Lon Milo DuQuette and his boss made quite a mess. We can read about the operation in his book "My life with spirits", chapter 24, 'The course of Belial'.
You can buy the book at Amazon >> or listen to Milo reading the whole story on youtube, here >>.
The author seems to blame Belial for what happened (!)
Well, he does volunteer that he was a bit naive back then...

The operation was a success, or so it seemed. The whole situation went from bad to worse, however. With such a silly approach, what did they expect?

Without proper inner illumination and a clear understanding of the real nature of evoked being (beyond evil), the operator's true position (above reason), and his/her deeper relation to the being, in this case, Belial, things cannot but go horribly wrong.

Coercion, threats, and commands can not possibly be balanced by some material offerings. It is the inner attitude that really matters.

Openness, respect, and a clear understanding of Belial's real nature might yield completely different, balanced results.

There are always two opposite qualities in operation: positive and negative, seeking balance.

Ignoring or just being blindly unaware of this fact, the little candle that is lit in a Goetia operation cannot possibly balance the all-consuming fire that will inevitably follow IF there is no deeper and balanced insight.

I never make any threats to Belial (or to any other being for that matter). 
I do not worship these beings, meaning blindly submitting (why on earth would I?).
And I do not command or even try to control them.

The results?
Balanced, no backfiring, and no post festum disasters.

It took a lot of inner 'shadow work' (as Carl Jung would put it), rivers of tears cried, and lots of inner self-created BS delusions transformed.

Respect, openness, and clear understanding remain and offer no resistance whatsoever. 

How do you work with Belial (or other beings)?

Spiritual bypassing

I have seen this so many times in my line work. Even magic can not help in the long run if personal issues are not dealt with...

I do understand that some people (including me) had a difficult childhood and their self-image is downright negative.

But, in all fairness, we are not children anymore, so why pretend to be one?

Anyway, the article below explains this in some detail:

"...When spiritual practice is used to compensate for challenging traits such as low self-esteem, social isolation, or other emotional issues, they corrupt the actual use of the spiritual practice. 

In other words, using these practices to cover up problems seems like an easy way out, as opposed to working on the actual issues and etiology of the challenges..."



Sep 9, 2021

Abramelin operation

Abramelin operation, the simple and most effective Jewish ritual of self-initiation, has mystified modern magicians for over a century.

The famous Aleister Crowley is mentioned in various books as the only one who has actually completed the operation. Nowadays, however, the number of people who have completed the ritual has grown in numbers.

Without disclosing the details, all I can say is that the ritual is one of the best and most direct paths to the Light of HGA and the holy and sacred magic (as opposed to the "low magic" based on pacts with the spirits/demons).

The new book offers all info you need to start and complete the ritual. It is worth the effort!


"The Book of Abramelin is the first modern translation of this magical work since Mathers' original translation over 100 years ago.

Not only is the language updated, but Georg Dehn, the compiler and editor, has sourced his work from all extant manuscripts, while Mathers used just one. The result is a stunning new translation that has already set the occult world abuzz. It includes voluminous important material left out of Mathers' work, including an entire Part 2 filled with magical recipes, important distinctions in the Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel ritual, and complete word grids that were only partially completed by Mathers. 

This is an essential work for any serious practicing magician or student of occult history."

Jul 7, 2021

Modern hermits & yogis

"I am alone: there is no God where I am.

Behold! these be grave mysteries; for there are also of my friends who be hermits. Now think not to find them in the forest or on the mountain; but in beds of purple, caressed by magnificent beasts of women with large limbs, and fire and light in their eyes, and masses of flaming hair about them; there shall ye find them."

- Liber AL vel Legis II-23-24.

Apr 13, 2021

How Cults Work

"There is no cult without a powerful, charismatic leader. 

A charismatic leader has ­the uncanny ability to get people to follow him unquestioningly. 
The phrase "cult of personality" refers to this type of group dynamic. 
Cult members are devoted to the leader, not to the leader's ideas. 

The leader has complete control over his followers -- there is no questioning of his decisions, and he is accountable to no one within the group."
Source >>

Here's how it usually goes:

You feel like you don't belong to this world, you feel lonely, disconnected, and have no clue how to live your life.

And then He comes into your life; I don't know, He is different, He sees you, He makes you feel important the way your father never ever did.

He is so wise, loving, caring, and He is so spiritual, He sees things no one else does.
You feel so blessed to be in His chosen inner circle.
Others are not so blessed as you feel you are, for He loves only a few of you.
You feel like you know Him for centuries, and He tells you as much. You belong to Him, you feel.
You are loyal to Him and His Secret Order above everyone and everything else.

His Secret Order has become your life and is important to you and nothing else matters as much...

*  *  *  

As you no doubt have noticed, everything in the above scenario is about, well Him. Not about freedom, lack of responsibility, not even about true personal and spiritual progress.

Power (meaning, energy manipulation) and wonder - that's the trick cult leaders employ.
As long as there are secrets to sell, the game is on.

And it works. And such "leaders" know what they are doing and are abusing others nevertheless. It is a game that both parties play; but why does it work for some?

Not because people are too thirsty but because people can't tell the difference between sand and water.

Feb 2, 2021

Nothing lasts forever

Nothin' lasts forever
And we both know hearts can change
And it's hard to hold a candle
In the cold November rain


So if you want to love me
Then darlin' don't refrain
Or I'll just end up walkin'
In the cold November rain


I know it's hard to keep an open heart
When even friends seem out to harm you
But if you could heal a broken heart
Wouldn't time be out to charm you


And shadows still remain, oh yeah
I know that you can love me
When there's no one left to blame

So never mind the darkness
We still can find a way
'Cause nothin' lasts forever
Even cold November rain

Dec 31, 2020

Dancing demons and other spirits

Rakshasa demon
The Left-hand Path, looking up to Tantra, embraces all aspects of reality, even the most "dark" ones.

And so, after growing up from rebellion against pretty much anything and after playing out all the teenager's disobedience, sooner or later a LHP follower encounters various spirits and is faced with a challenge to learn from them as an effective way of mastering the inner world... and in due time, transcending both Light ad Dark.

In Vedic and Tantric culture we have various entities that can be employed by a skillful Tantrika (practitioner of Tantric arts)  or magician:

  • Pretas or hungry ghosts - souls of a deceased persons who were very devious in human life and had no purification ritual performed upon their passing.

Quite difficult to tame as they are very very miserable. They need help.

  • Bhutas - souls of a newly dead who do nor realize they are dead or are still very attached to physical dimension.
    Basically they need help to move on; they can be very possessive and can cause great deal of trouble to humans.

  • Karna Pishachini - spirits of some power that know a lot about the past, something about the present and little about the future, they can protect you, provide you with enough to eat and drink, help you with your sadhana; very jealous they are.
    Can be useful, obviously. Once magician has learned from them all they can teach, they ought to be removed.

  • Yaksha / Yakshini  - they were advanced spiritual aspirants in dim past, now very powerful and skillful in spirit dimension; they can teach many things and can be white or black, meaning benevolent or harmful; Yakshini, a female spirit, can drive a man crazy by satisfying him sexually a lot more than any woman could and the same goes for male spirit, Yaksha, they can satisfy a woman so much that no human lover can come close.

    They can be made to enter a human body and take over it, enjoying sex with a magician. You can imagine how sweet that can be.

    Of course, this sounds like fun, doesn't it, but it is not so. Fooling around with these spirits is dangerous as they are notoriously difficult to remove. And, above all, this level of spirits is not really spiritual, meaning that themselves are not yet liberated and so they are still attached to duality and thus suffering.

    Many Yakshas and Yakshinis are of good nature and are attendants of minor deities.

    In the West, incubus and succubus belong to this class of spirits.

    The "black ones", I have dealt with this class of beings on several occasions; they are not easy to deal with and it takes a lot of help from more spiritual beings to resolve the situation. Not easy, not easy at all.

  • Ghouls, Pishachas -  much like or the same as demons from the Western traditions.
    They can be difficult to deal with, especially when magician is not really up to the task at hand and pacts are involved. They have much power and can do most of anything, and can be dark and white.

    Here in the West we know them from books like Goetia, Grimorium Verum etc.
    These spirits have a hierarchy: Kings, Princes, Dukes, soldiers etc.
    I have had many thoroughly successful evocations with this class of spirits, they can be really helpful. Of course, many spirits in these books are deities (Astarte, Baal etc).

  • Gandhaarvas, Kinnaras - celestial dancers and singers, akin to angels.
    They have a lot of knowledge and share it easily if they are pleased by you. They are much higher class of spirits and only benevolent.

  • Rakshasas - powerful asuras (demons), shape-shifters, blood drinkers, flesh eaters, illusionists and sorcerers.
    They can be killed (read: transformed) only by (the help of) certain deities (we are told by the Vedas). They appear in old scripts, in Ramayana as Ravana and his brothers, in Mahabharata as Ghatotcacha etc.
    These asuras or demons are huge and yet hard to see as they don´t really like to show themselves to a magician in full. but if by some twist of faith you do succeed in "making friends" with such a dark being, you have an unsurpassed helper at your disposal.

In general, that is a list of major players in the spirit dimension from a Tantric perspective.

Beyond these spirits come perfected beings, Yoginis, Demi-gods and Gods and Goddesses and Siddhas. And working with them is even more difficult than dealing with any of the aforementioned spirits.

Before we close, here is a lovely description of the demons penned by Patrick G. (reposted from FB):

So, what do we know about Demons, they are dark, can appear menacing but also take on many other shapes, forms and appearances. They have their own morals and ethics; they have families, feelings, emotions. They are capable of expressing deep love and emotion. They can be cruel, heartless, menacing. They are tenacious and they can get the job done. They are focused, powerful, masters of themselves. They can be dangerous, primal, sexual, aggressive, and possessive. They can possess people; influence them to commit terrible acts. They can toy with the minds of the weak. They can heal people, attract money, opportunity, abundance and help with personal mastery and awakening of one’s true essence. They also have a hierarchy ... but that is another topic.
All Demons harbour within them a black energy. Most people do not have the eye to differentiate between the different types of black energy. Humans have darkness within their own energy field but it is seldom black. A sharp third eye can detect the various shades of darkness within the aura and see the difference. We all have dark energy within our being. It is this dark side that creates our balance. Most humans have dark shades of blue, purple or grey, but black is rare.
A Demon has a specific type of black energy. It is not an evil energy (though it can be used in that way) it is a beautiful black energy that is very powerful. This black energy even exists in the auras of some selective humans. Those few that have this energy in their auras are demonic in essence and have demonic ancestry. A human with this capability can learn to awaken and use this energy and is truly capable of some pretty amazing things.

Very well written, indeed!

Aug 15, 2020

Fear is a choice

"The only place that fear can exist is in our thoughts of the future. 

It is a product of our imagination, causing us to fear things 
that do not at present and may not ever exist. 
That is near insanity. 

Do not misunderstand me danger is very real 
but fear is a choice.”
- After Earth movie