Aug 14, 2013

Shiva & Shakti dance

According to the Tantric world view, there are two polarities in this universe, complementing each other and in essence being only One: Shiva (static consciousness) and Shakti (dynamic energy).

And these two archetypes of deep transpersonal (beyond personal, spiritual) state of consciousness have their reflections in each of us: male and female aspects of our inner psychological dynamics.

In my experiences, it is the imbalance between the two that is at the root of many human troubles here on Earth...

...and it might be honest openness to these inner male and female disharmonies that can bring deep healing to the heart of hearts.

Walking the Left Hand Tantric path, I love these rimes:

"I will not have you without the darkness
that hides within you.
I will not let you have me without the madness
that makes me.

If our demons 
cannot dance,
neither can we."

- Nikita Gill