Apr 18, 2015

Beyond thoughts

"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."
- Aristotle

Apr 3, 2015

Employing sexual energies

A question oftentimes asked:

What about sex and spiritual advancement? Is it imperative to abstain from having sex prior magical operations?

My answer:

Having followed tantric path right from my twenties, I never really disregarded the use of sexual energy.

Of course, here in the West and just about in any other part of this world, mixing sex and serious spiritual practice is frowned upon at the very least. Theravada Buddhists, for instance, are not allowed to even see a woman during retreats. 

Sensual pleasure, desires, lust, attachments, intoxicants etc. are considered polluted, unholy and impure by most spiritual traditions... ...apart from Tantric path (Sri Vidya, Kali tantra, Vajrayana to name a few) and high, IX. level O.T.O. degree, of course (which employ tantric practices, what else).

The notion that purity defines closeness to salvation is only one side of a coin. Tantra takes the opposite approach; it is a powerful path. It takes much more than reading a book on these subjects, though. One needs initiation, empowerment and reliable guidance. It is fun and also dangerous practice for sure. :)

 That said, and to answer your questions, well, I never offered body fluids to "demons" (I don't like this word) if that kind of rituals you have in mind. Not a good idea, anyway, especially if one is only starting on the path of awakening.

I employed sex energy to enhance spiritual realizations of both of us (her and me) many many times, and it works. So, I do not refrain from sex prior rituals, in fact sex is important part of most tantric rituals I perform (invocation of a tantric goddess etc.).

I didn't observe celibacy during Abramelin operation or prior to Verum op. or Goetia evocations. Why would I.