Nov 22, 2017

Lucifer is NOT Evil / Satan!

Lucifer is described to be the greatest of all gods creations which means the only being he comes second to is likely god. Lucifer is god's favorite and the most beautiful angel.

He allegedly tried to take over heaven, apparently was the result of pride, jealousy, and discontent. But lets be honest, Lucifer was doing this as no doubt he disagreed with how his father was running things. Many beings can relate to him because most of the time parents don't agree with children if they try to correct them. As well as one-third of all the angels left god for the sake of following Lucifer.

Now ask yourself, someone as powerful as god, losing followers to someone less powerful. Who do you think is right in that situation? Because normally when you can chose between the most powerful being and the second most powerful, you go with the most powerful. Unless the most powerful is that unlikable in which case you go with the underdog. My point being, maybe Lucifer was onto something. Again I point out that God made Lucifer better than everything. Maybe Lucifer was made a little too well made. And because of that he was able to see right through God.

After all it wasn't Lucifer who was responsible for the whole Noah's ark incident. It was god who committed genocide against the entire planet with the exception of a few human beings and a small group of animals. How can you not agree with Lucifer at this point? Because based on that you can see where God made a horrible mistake. Lucifer has not to this day committed such a massive genocide against the human race. God also has ridiculous laws like if you eat from the tree of knowledge I will kill you. What kind of saying is that?

They say Lucifer uses every conceivable way to deceive and destroy people. But that doesn't seem likely to me. What it appears is someone out of all the angels was willing to stand up and say God I don't really agree with you. And as a result God did everything he could to slander this angel to make himself look good, and this angel look like evil. All for the sake of continuing his following and have human beings like you worship him. I mean what happened when Lucifer disagreed with him? That's right, he got kicked out of heaven, just like when you disagree with your parents, they will kick you out of their house.

My point is that Lucifer isn't evil most people think of him as. He just disagreed with the most powerful being. And in return that being kicked Lucifer out of his home and into everlasting torcher where he always is getting burned.

Re-posted from FB group World Ancient History >>