Apr 13, 2021

How Cults Work

"There is no cult without a powerful, charismatic leader. 

A charismatic leader has ­the uncanny ability to get people to follow him unquestioningly. 
The phrase "cult of personality" refers to this type of group dynamic. 
Cult members are devoted to the leader, not to the leader's ideas. 

The leader has complete control over his followers -- there is no questioning of his decisions, and he is accountable to no one within the group."
Source >>

Here's how it usually goes:

You feel like you don't belong to this world, you feel lonely, disconnected, and have no clue how to live your life.

And then He comes into your life; I don't know, He is different, He sees you, He makes you feel important the way your father never ever did.

He is so wise, loving, caring, and He is so spiritual, He sees things no one else does.
You feel so blessed to be in His chosen inner circle.
Others are not so blessed as you feel you are, for He loves only a few of you.
You feel like you know Him for centuries, and He tells you as much. You belong to Him, you feel.
You are loyal to Him and His Secret Order above everyone and everything else.

His Secret Order has become your life and is important to you and nothing else matters as much...

*  *  *  

As you no doubt have noticed, everything in the above scenario is about, well Him. Not about freedom, lack of responsibility, not even about true personal and spiritual progress.

Power (meaning, energy manipulation) and wonder - that's the trick cult leaders employ.
As long as there are secrets to sell, the game is on.

And it works. And such "leaders" know what they are doing and are abusing others nevertheless. It is a game that both parties play; but why does it work for some?

Not because people are too thirsty but because people can't tell the difference between sand and water.