Mar 20, 2022

Working with Belial


There are many levels of understanding of how to work with beings listed in Goetia.

The beginner entry-level seems to be outlined in the book itself: coercion, threats, commands. 

At this level, the operator vaguely comprehends the gravity of the situation and is barely able to see beyond his or her limited awareness. Fueled by such superficial awareness, he or she doesn't want to be a part of the process, only part of the outcome. 

Furthermore, the use of the word Goetia (as opposed to Theurgía) in the present context is inaccurate and might lead to various misunderstandings, i.e. the beings concerned being called 'Goetia beings'.

This is clear: Goetia does not represent a type of being but a type of magic, and treating every single being as something to control or command is rather shortsighted.

Who in his or her right mind would even dare to evoke a being akin to Belial who is said to have well over 250.000 spirits under his direct command, and coerce him into some triangle and make direct threats?

Without deeper insight into the operator's own awareness and the true nature of an evoked being, stupid mistakes can be made.

Lon Milo DuQuette and his boss made quite a mess. We can read about the operation in his book "My life with spirits", chapter 24, 'The course of Belial'.
You can buy the book at Amazon >> or listen to Milo reading the whole story on youtube, here >>.
The author seems to blame Belial for what happened (!)
Well, he does volunteer that he was a bit naive back then...

The operation was a success, or so it seemed. The whole situation went from bad to worse, however. With such a silly approach, what did they expect?

Without proper inner illumination and a clear understanding of the real nature of evoked being (beyond evil), the operator's true position (above reason), and his/her deeper relation to the being, in this case, Belial, things cannot but go horribly wrong.

Coercion, threats, and commands can not possibly be balanced by some material offerings. It is the inner attitude that really matters.

Openness, respect, and a clear understanding of Belial's real nature might yield completely different, balanced results.

There are always two opposite qualities in operation: positive and negative, seeking balance.

Ignoring or just being blindly unaware of this fact, the little candle that is lit in a Goetia operation cannot possibly balance the all-consuming fire that will inevitably follow IF there is no deeper and balanced insight.

I never make any threats to Belial (or to any other being for that matter). 
I do not worship these beings, meaning blindly submitting (why on earth would I?).
And I do not command or even try to control them.

The results?
Balanced, no backfiring, and no post festum disasters.

It took a lot of inner 'shadow work' (as Carl Jung would put it), rivers of tears cried, and lots of inner self-created BS delusions transformed.

Respect, openness, and clear understanding remain and offer no resistance whatsoever. 

How do you work with Belial (or other beings)?

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