Apr 27, 2018

Living in Hell on Earth

"If you want to live an absolute hell, believe that you
are responsible for what other people feel."
- Marshall Rosenberg

Apr 22, 2018

Why do people dread Kali?

Kali is the one Tantric Goddess of transformation, annihilation, and destruction of illusions and delusions, to Her devotees and initiates She is the one cosmic CEO who runs everything.

She is standing on top of the Shiva, the God of destruction, meaning that She is completely free, even from Him, wild in Her expression of Her female power, and She is completely dedicated to Her devotees and children or initiates.

She never holds back and She gives everything, everything.

I have seen quite advanced adepts, magicians and aspirants bow down their heads before Her in respect, awe, and maybe even slight fear.

Why is that?

Well, I honestly do not know. To me, She is the most beautiful being in existence, despite Her dark appearance. Of course, after incarnations of practicing Her Tantric rites, She has removed pretty much everything that I held dear and/or denied in my inner psychological climate:

fear of change, attachments to certain ideas, people, objects; aversion to light and dark; running away from coldness inside; denial of everyday life duties and responsibilities; emotions of anger, hate, pride, happiness, love, doubt, guilt, regret, shame; attachments to god-forms; personal energy manipulations; self-esteem and self-denial, etc.

It is my observation that many dread Her not because they have any contact with Her, but because they fear facing their inner dis-harmonies that are reflected back to them by Her omnipresence.

People, in my opinion, dread losing their own personal and transpersonal delusions and project that on Her.

Working with Kali

Well, if one wants to work with Kali and to maybe receive Her blessings, do take care and be careful, for She is deadly serious in Her work.

If one opens up to Her, She will bring down everything that is not pure consciousness, fast and regardless.

And just like She is ruthlessly effective in destroying illusions in the lives of Her devotees and initiates, She is downright dangerous to those that somehow manage to upset Her or Her initiates.

I remember a situation years back where a person in my life acted unjustly towards me and did not hear me when I tried to meet her needs. She insisted on her version of the situation and did not at all see what she is doing to me. Well, for a few days I tolerated the bullshit coming from her and then went into meditation and, knowing that I am innocent, asked my Kali to teach that person a lesson.

In a few days, that person was fired from her job, lost her income, was evicted from her rented apartment, and was left by her partner. A total collapse in her daily life.

I can only imagine what would have happened had I asked my Kali to punish her and not just to teach her a lesson.

What is my point?

Well, there is no need to fear Kali when there is no clinging involved or when intentions and motives are pure...

...and it is indeed quite wise to dread Her if one somehow upsets Her or Her initiates.

NO protection in this or any other Universe will save one from Her wrath if and when Her wrath is due; no pentagram banishing rituals will help, no protection circle, no sobbing and crying "Oh, I did not mean that..." will have any impact at all.


Apr 18, 2018

Milarepa’s Song of Threes

Jetsun Milarepa, black magician and Mahasiddha

Thunder, lightning, and the southern clouds, these three,
Although they arise, they arise from the sky itself;
Although they dissolve, they dissolve into the sky itself.

Rainbows, mist, and fog, these three,
Although they arise, they arise from the earth itself;
Although they dissolve, they dissolve into the earth itself.

Forests, flowers, and leaves, these three,
Although they arise, they arise from the mountain itself;
Although they dissolve, they dissolve into the mountain itself.

Rivers, bubbles, and waves, these three,
Although they arise, they arise from the ocean itself;
Although they dissolve, they dissolve into the ocean itself.

Habitual tendencies, clinging, and fixation, these three,
Although they arise, they arise from the All-Ground [storehouse consciousness] itself;
Although they dissolve, they dissolve into the All-Ground itself.

Natural awareness, natural lucidity, and natural liberation, these three,
Although they arise, they arise from the nature of mind itself;
Although they dissolve, they dissolve into the nature of mind itself.

The birthless, the deathless, and the expressionless, these three,
Although they arise, they arise from the nature of things itself;
Although they dissolve, they dissolve into the nature of things itself.

The appearance as demons, the apprehension as demons, and the conceptualizing as demons, these three,
Although they arise, they arise from the Yogi himself;
Although they dissolve, they dissolve into the Yogi himself.

– Milarepa

from The Hundred Thousand Songs of Milarepa
Translated from the Tibetan by Erick Tsiknopoulos

Apr 13, 2018

Grimorium Verum Spirits

In this article, we shall look into the hierarchy of spirits as well as into their offices.

While these spirits are really real and not just a figment of medieval human imagination, the offices listed below might not be literal 'translations' of their abilities.

Hierarchy of spirits as per Grimorium Verum

Concerning spirits, there are the superior and the inferior.
Names of the superiors are Lucifer, Beelzebuth, Astaroth. 

The inferiors of Lucifer are in Europe and Asia, and obey him.

Beelzebuth lives in Africa, and Astaroth inhabits America.

Of these, each of them has two who order their subjects all that which the Emperor has resolved to do in all the world, and vice-versa.

Lucifer has two demons under him:
- Satanackia and
- Agalierap.

Beelzebuth has two demons under him:
- Tarchimache and
- Fleruty.

The two inferiors of Astaroth are:
- Sagatana and
- Nesbiros.

Abilities and offices of spirits

There are yet other daemons, apart from these, who are under Duke Syrach. There are eighteen of these, and their names are:

I. Clauneck (Elantiel)
has power over riches, can cause treasures to be found. He can give great riches to he who makes a pact with him, for he is much loved by Lucifer. It is he who causes money to be brought.

II. Musisin
has power over great lords, teaches all that happens in the Republics, and the affairs of the Allies.

III. Bechaud
is associated with the day of the week Friday

IV. Frimost
has power over women and girls, and will help you to obtain their use.

V. Klepoth
makes you see all sorts of dreams and visions.

VI. Khil
makes great earthquakes.

VII. Mersilde
has the power to transport anyone in an instant, anywhere.

VIII. Clisthert
allows you to have day or night, whichever you wish, when you desire either.

IX. Sirchade
makes you see all sorts of natural and supernatural animals.

X. Segal
will cause all sorts of prodigies to appear.

XI. Hicpacth
will bring you a person in an instant, though he be far away.

XII. Humots
can bring you any book you desire.

XIII. Frucissiere
revives the dead.

XIV. Guland
causes all illnesses.

XV. Surgat (Aquiel)
opens every kind of lock.

XVI. Morail
can make anything invisible.

XVII. Frutimiere
prepares all kinds of feasts for you.

XVIII. Huictiigaras
causes sleep in the case of some, and insomnia in others.

Under Satanachia (subordinate of Lucifer)  are forty-five daemons. Four of these, the chiefs:
- Sergutthy,
- Heramael,
- Trimasael and
- Sustugriel.

The others are of no great consequence.

These spirits are of great advantage, and they work well and speedily, in the case that they are pleased with the operator.

has power over maidens and wives, when things are favorable.

Heramael teaches the art of healing, including the complete knowledge of any illness and its cure, He also makes known the virtues of plants, where they are to be found, when to pluck them, and their making into a complete cure.

Trimasael teaches chemistry and all means of conjuring of the nature of deceit or sleight-of-hand.
He also teaches the secret of making the Powder of Projection, using which the base metals may be turned into gold or silver.

Sustugriel teaches the art of magic. He gives familiar spirits that can be used for all purposes, and he also gives mandragores.

Agalierept (subordinate of Lucifer)  and Tarihimal are the rulers of Elelogap, who in turn governs matters connected with water.

Nebirots (subordinate of Astaroth) rules
- Hael and
- Surgulath.

The former (Hael) enables anyone to speak in any language he will and also teaches the means whereby any type of letter may be written. He is also able to teach those things which are most secret and completely hidden.

Sergulath gives every means of speculation. In addition, he instructs as to the methods of breaking the ranks and strategy of opponents.

Subject to these are the eight most powerful subordinates:

who can cause a person to sleep for forty-eight hours, with the knowledge of the spheres of sleep.

who can cause anyone to pass through fire without being touched by it.

who causes a person to be beloved of women.

who gives the two benefits of attaining invisibility and the love of great lords.

who can carry anyone or anything anywhere in the world.

causes any girl to dance in the nude.

can make anyone win at any game.

can cause hate and spiteful jealousy between members of the opposite sexes.


See also a great e-book on the subject:

Apr 12, 2018

The End of Drama

Being an occultist, mystic, and/or (red/white/black) magician is NOT only about evoking or invoking and employing various spirits, demons, angels and god forms, other's will manipulation, bending time, etc...

It is also, and most importantly, living here on Earth happily and healthy especially in relationships.

Magic, in general, can be full of drama, real-life I am talking about simply isn't:

Fault vs responsibility

No one can make you happy but yourself

Apr 9, 2018

Symptoms of a dark attack

Swimming in the vast and deep ocean of the occult, magick, and witchcraft (or just living upon this Earth), one can experience various symptoms that indicate that a psychic or magic attack is underway.

These things are genuine and can have increasingly adverse outcomes:

- maybe there is someone who thinks of you with intense negative emotions and intentions,
- maybe someone hexes or curses you,
- maybe even sends you a spirit (a black witch spirit, a demon, etc.) intending to cause your troubles.

- it is also possible that old, the so-called trans-incarnation pacts with the dark spirits, are still active and are disturbing your newly acquired peace of mind in a new body.

- maybe a trans-generational curse is still active, and/or a pact with a dark spirit has been made by one of your ancestors, messing up the whole lineage of your family.

- maybe you over eagerly performed some dark ritual, made a questionable agreement with a dark spirit, did not give the spirit a license to depart, forgot to banish afterward, etc., and now all the hell broke loose.

- maybe an old house is haunted by an evil spirit of a man or woman who died there.

As I said, these things are very real and do happen.

So how can one know that "something" is out of order?

Here are the most common sudden symptoms of psychic and/or magical attack:

  • Obsessive negative thoughts, especially about attacks, accidents, depressive thoughts - just out of the blue.
  • Recurring nightmares where you are being hunted, strangled, hanged, or otherwise killed or tortured; nightmares of blood and cutting flesh.
  • A severe and localized sharp pain in the body (headache, toothache, chest pain).
  • A clear sense of heaviness on your shoulders or pressure over specific areas of your physical body.
  • Frequent temperature changes in your body (in a non-changing environment).
  • A sensation or vague intuitive perception that you are being observed by something dark.
  • Feeling drained of your energy; a sudden drop in your energy level.
  • An unexpected and causeless illness.
  • Cold shivers over your body without any environmental cause.
  • Having really bad luck all of a sudden.
  • Having difficulties succeeding in business, failing exams, losing money income - all in short periods.
  • Losing memory, blur vision, disorientation, suddenly becoming distracted, irritated for no reason, blank mind.
  • Emotional outbursts with no reasonable cause (you lash out on others, break things in your home, etc.).
  • Hearing things when no one is around.
  • Losing psychic abilities fast.
  • Objects in your home or office are falling, moving by themselves; kitchen appliances stop working all of a sudden.
  • Being waked up from your night sleep or afternoon nap by a touch on your feet, hands, head.
  • Hearing or sensing someone calling your name causes you to have panic attacks.
  • Your child or children wake up at night screaming, stiff cold, disoriented, or falling off the bed hurting themselves.
  • Sudden loss of control or lucidity in your dreams by some spirit taking over your dream/astral body.
  • Dreaming of having sex with some dream entity over and over again.

Magickal & spiritual assistance in any of the above cases >>