Apr 22, 2018

Why do people dread Kali?

Kali is the one Tantric Goddess of transformation, annihilation, and destruction of illusions and delusions, to Her devotees and initiates She is the one cosmic CEO who runs everything.

She is standing on top of the Shiva, the God of destruction, meaning that She is completely free, even from Him, wild in Her expression of Her female power, and She is completely dedicated to Her devotees and children or initiates.

She never holds back and She gives everything, everything.

I have seen quite advanced adepts, magicians and aspirants bow down their heads before Her in respect, awe, and maybe even slight fear.

Why is that?

Well, I honestly do not know. To me, She is the most beautiful being in existence, despite Her dark appearance. Of course, after incarnations of practicing Her Tantric rites, She has removed pretty much everything that I held dear and/or denied in my inner psychological climate:

fear of change, attachments to certain ideas, people, objects; aversion to light and dark; running away from coldness inside; denial of everyday life duties and responsibilities; emotions of anger, hate, pride, happiness, love, doubt, guilt, regret, shame; attachments to god-forms; personal energy manipulations; self-esteem and self-denial, etc.

It is my observation that many dread Her not because they have any contact with Her, but because they fear facing their inner dis-harmonies that are reflected back to them by Her omnipresence.

People, in my opinion, dread losing their own personal and transpersonal delusions and project that on Her.

Working with Kali

Well, if one wants to work with Kali and to maybe receive Her blessings, do take care and be careful, for She is deadly serious in Her work.

If one opens up to Her, She will bring down everything that is not pure consciousness, fast and regardless.

And just like She is ruthlessly effective in destroying illusions in the lives of Her devotees and initiates, She is downright dangerous to those that somehow manage to upset Her or Her initiates.

I remember a situation years back where a person in my life acted unjustly towards me and did not hear me when I tried to meet her needs. She insisted on her version of the situation and did not at all see what she is doing to me. Well, for a few days I tolerated the bullshit coming from her and then went into meditation and, knowing that I am innocent, asked my Kali to teach that person a lesson.

In a few days, that person was fired from her job, lost her income, was evicted from her rented apartment, and was left by her partner. A total collapse in her daily life.

I can only imagine what would have happened had I asked my Kali to punish her and not just to teach her a lesson.

What is my point?

Well, there is no need to fear Kali when there is no clinging involved or when intentions and motives are pure...

...and it is indeed quite wise to dread Her if one somehow upsets Her or Her initiates.

NO protection in this or any other Universe will save one from Her wrath if and when Her wrath is due; no pentagram banishing rituals will help, no protection circle, no sobbing and crying "Oh, I did not mean that..." will have any impact at all.


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