Jun 6, 2019

The road less traveled

The Luciferian Witch

This religion is not your calling
Your insurrection is not a falling.
Seek culmination beyond the herd,
Your cultivation is self-conferred.
Azazel wants not your service,
Let not his presence make you nervous.
Satan is not our dark lord,
Nor a devil to be abhorred.
Not a source of quick reward,
But an arcane force to be explored.
Do not pray to Lucifer,
For that is not what He’d prefer.
Look inside to see the truth,
The black flame burns away uncouth.
Do not follow the path that is gravelled,
But follow the one that is less travelled.
Find the demons deep therein,
Hail thyself!
Your power is within.

- Poem by John M Penkal, author of Truly Satanic vol 1. book

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