Sep 12, 2018

The Devil speak

You know what the Devil says?

"Look inside of you and grow the fuck up! Stop using me as your excuse to run away, to hurt each other, to kill one another. I never told any of you to do that. God the one father never told any of you to do that. You choose to do these things to each other. Then you use me as your convenient excuse to do these things.

You want power? Dig into yourself and find it.

You want joy? Get off your behinds and go create it! Stop expecting the Gods to do all your work for you.

Stop committing suicide. This is a cop out. It's a lie. It's a quick road to the entities, and trust in this. You don't want to face them after running away. Yes life is hard. Of course it's hard. Your reality is hard! It was never meant to be easy. It's your creation your making. You say you don't like it? Then change it for the better and stop making all of us your excuse for hating each other.

We talk to you, and you never listen.
We inspire you and you drink and drug it all away.
You receive every key to every golden door that you require, and most of you refuse to walk through.

None of this is my fault. None of this is our fault.

Stop blaming us. Look at yourselves.

The message is clear and easy, and it comes from the top.

It's time for this all to change. And I guarantee that most will shudder at this revelation.

Yes, this is me, and the sad part is, none of you will believe it.

Let that sink in to your reality for awhile. That's all for now. "

The Devil's Bible by William Allan Lavey & Andreas Bathory ©National Library Of Romania 2018

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