Oct 10, 2019

One Night Love Affair

Devotional ritual of evocation and invocation of Queen Lilith.
Deeply it goes, penetrating the most distant reaches of my consciousness.
Touching, beyond Light and Dark, on the other side which is right here and now.

And then:

"...When the mornin' breaks
We go our separate ways
If the night was made for love it ain't for keeps.

But I lose control
As I watch you go
All my senses say I'm in this much too deep
Now you're outta reach..."

And my Lilith replies:
"My dear, think of the Sun, it always shines whether
you see it or not. Think of the Sun, think of me, I am
always with you."

Jun 25, 2019

Magic and everyday life

What is the difference between what comes up from your subconsciousness and psychic or black magic attack?

Well, in my experiences psychic attack takes advantage of and exploits, the inner negativity (fear, anger, imbalance, loneliness, hate, helplessness, etc.).

Psychic attack (with or without the 'demons') just multiplies the inner timidness and other insecurities.

So, how do you know if the attack is back?
Or is it your inner stuff manifesting again?

The safe bet would be to use magic protection, maybe employ some skillful means to remove curses, etc., and to start dealing with the inner negativities.

You see, from where I stand, being happy here on earth, feeling good about oneself, having a good job, close friends, and a healthy body - all of this can be attained AFTER inner shadows have been cleared away.

Many simply don't get this, it seems: the success and happiness inside, which must eventually manifest on the outside here on earth, is the highest magical attainment. All else might be just an avoidance trip.

So, the question is:
- are you happy in your life?
- are you happy with your current job?
- satisfied with your sex life?
- have enough money to buy whatever you truly want?

If not, well, maybe its time to do something about it. In short, and on a somewhat funny note, own your shit and stop blaming demons for your sleepless nights.

The frequent situation is that most people that play with magic lead unsatisfied everyday lives. And they are not doing much to improve (apart maybe from some abstract spirit or plants magic).

I can empathize with that, of course, for I've been there and it was not pretty!
No doubt, what we do in life and how we employ magic is up to us...

...even if that means not completely happy everyday life.

At the same time, having a life is the real magical feat!

What do you think?

Jun 6, 2019

The road less traveled

The Luciferian Witch

This religion is not your calling
Your insurrection is not a falling.
Seek culmination beyond the herd,
Your cultivation is self-conferred.
Azazel wants not your service,
Let not his presence make you nervous.
Satan is not our dark lord,
Nor a devil to be abhorred.
Not a source of quick reward,
But an arcane force to be explored.
Do not pray to Lucifer,
For that is not what He’d prefer.
Look inside to see the truth,
The black flame burns away uncouth.
Do not follow the path that is gravelled,
But follow the one that is less travelled.
Find the demons deep therein,
Hail thyself!
Your power is within.

- Poem by John M Penkal, author of Truly Satanic vol 1. book

May 25, 2019

Basics: Jinxes, Hexes, Curses

Hexes, Jinxes and Curses are basically spells that deal with negative energy, and they are amongst the most desired skills of the Black Mage. If you are being attacked by magick that intends to bring you harm, then you are more than likely dealing with one of the above.

Jinxes are little incantations that are meant to bring a person bad luck, they are not as harmful as the others and usually only take effect once. As soon as they are cast the jinx does its thing and then it is over. How jinxes work is you instill the idea into the subconscious of a person’s brain and make the event a self fulfilling prophecy. People actually do jink all the time without realizing it.

Tapping on wood ironically can dispel jinxes, primarily because that is your intent when you tap on wood so the energy of the wood dispels the jinx. Wood is a natural and neutral entity so by tapping on it, the negative energy of the jinx is made neutral.

Hexes, are a little bit of a stronger negative spell than a jinx. They work by creating an energy signature that attaches to the victims aura. This attracts to that person whatever the intent of the hex was. It is always a good idea to just state the end result with hexes and let the magick decide how the result will be granted. Hexes are very short lived and only last until the intent has been fulfilled after which the energy signature dispels and goes away forever.

Curses are the strongest of the three. They, like hexes, create an energy signature that attaches itself to the aura of the victim. The difference with curses is that they can either be short lived or last quite a while. Most last a long time. Some curses are designed to affect the blood of a person, so anyone who follows in their blood line succumbs to the curse as well, these are called family curses. Other curses are just designed to bring people bad luck for a specific amount of time.

It is very important to train your third eye to pick up on this powerful magick, especially if you are intending to pursue any kind of magickal path, more so black magick. Down this path you will meet people and creatures who will try to hex, curse and jinx you. It is very important that you know how to defend yourself in the spirit world as also in the mundane one.


by Patrick Gaffiero 

Feb 15, 2019

The Curse and Glory of a Magus

"And this is the Opening of the Grade of Ipsissimus,
and by the Buddhists it is called the trance Nerodha-Samapatti."

- Liber B vel Magi, 18