Dec 4, 2018

Demonic enns

Enns are (invented by humans, according to some sources) words of power, calls of invitation, admiration, or protection to certain
demons that are chanted, vibrated, or spoken for magical operations with demons.

Each enn is a phrase that attracts their attention used by the Demonolatry traditions.

Enns are very similar in intent and effect as Eastern mantras in producing a specific magical effect or of drawing a particular spirit to you.

Here you can learn enns of the most well known demons; at the end of the list you can watch short video explaining how to use enns.

Here we go:

Abbadon – Es na ayer Abbadon avage

Abigor – Aylan Abigor tasa uan on ca

Agaliarept – On ca Agaliarept agna

Agares – Rean ganen ayar da Agares

Agares – Rean ganen ayar da Agares

Aim – Ayer avage secore Aim

Alloces – Typan efna Alloces met tasa

Amducious – Denyen valocur avage secore Amducious

Amdusias (also Amdukias) – Denyen valocur avage secore Amdusias

Ammon – Avage Secore Ammon ninan

Amon – Avage Secore Amon ninan

Amy (also Avnas) – Tu Fubin Amy secore

Andras – Entey ama Andras anay

Andrealphus – Mena Andrealphus tasa ramec ayer

Andromalius – Tasa fubin Andromalius on ca

Asafoetida – Asana nanay on ca Asafoetida

Ashtaroth – Tasa Alora foren Ashtaroth

Asmoday – Ayer avage Aloren Asmoday aken

Asmodeus – Ayer avage Aloren Asmodeus aken

Astarot – Serena Alora Astartot Aken

Astaroth – Tasa Alora Foren Astaroth

Astarte – Serena Alora Astarte Aken

Azazel – Eya on ca Azazel aken

Babeal – Alan Secore on ca Babeal

Bael – Ayer Secore On Ca Ba’al

Balam – Lirach tasa vefa wehl Balam

Balberith – Avage Secoré on ca Baalberith

Barbatos – Eveta fubin Barbatos

Bathin – Dyen Pretore on ca Bathin

Beelzebuth (also Beelzebub) – Adey vocar avage Beelzebuth

Beleth – Lirach tasa vefa wehl Beleth

Belial – Lirach Tasa Vefa Wehl Belial

Belphegore – Lyan Ramec Catya Ganen Belphegore

Berith – Hoath redar ganabal Berith

Bifrons – Avage secore Bifrons remie tasa

Botis – Jedan hoesta noc ra Botis

Buer – Erato on ca Buer anon

Bune (also Bime) – Wehl melan avage Bune Tasa

Camio (also Caim) – Tasa on ca Caim renich

Cimejes (also Cimeies or Kimaris) – Ayer avage secore Cimejes

Crocell – Jedan tasa Crocell on ca

Dantalion – Avage ayer Dantalion on ca

Decarabia – Hoesta noc ra Decarabia secore

Delepitoré – Deyen pretore ramec Delepitore on ca

Eligos – Jedan on ca Eligos inan

Eurynomous – Ayar Secore on ca Eurynomous

Flereous (also Haures – see below) – Ganic Tasa Fubin Flereous

Focalor – En Jedan on ca Focalor

Foras – Kaymen vefa Foras

Forneus – Senan okat ena Forneus ayer

Furcas – Secore on ca Furcas remie

Furfur – Ganen menach tasa Furfur

Gaap – Deyan Anay Tasa Gaap

Glasya-Labolas – Elan tepar secore on ca Glasya-Lobolas

Gremory (also Gemory or Gamori) – An tasa shi Gremory on ca

Gusion – Secore vesa anet Gusion

Haagenti – Haaventi on ca Lirach

Halphas – Erato Halphas on ca secore

Haures (also Flauros, Flereous, Haurus, or Havres) – Ganic tasa fubin Flauros

Ipos – Desa an Ipos Ayer

Leraje (also Leraikha) – Caymen vefa Leraje

Leviathan – Jaden Tasa Hoet Naca Leviathan

Lillith – Renich viasa avage lillith lirach

Lucifage – Eyen tasa valocur Lucifuge Rofocale

Lucifer – Renich Tasa Uberaca Biasa Icar Lucifer

Luithian – Advisor : Deyan anay tasa Luithian

Malphas – Lirach tasa Malphas ayer

Mammon – Tasa Mammon on ca lirach

Marax (also Narax) – Kaymen Vefa Marax

Marbas – Renach tasa uberace biasa icar Marbas

Marchosias – Es na ayer Marchosias Secore

Mesphito – Mesphito ramec viasa on ca

Murmur (also Murmus) – Vefa mena Murmur ayer

Naberius – Eyan tasa volocur Naberius

Oriax (also Orias) – Lirach mena Orias Anay na

Orobas – Jedan tasa hoet naca Orobas

Ose (also Voso or Oso) – Ayer serpente Ose

Paimon – Linan tasa jedan Paimon

Phenex (also Pheynix) – Ef enay Phenex ayer

Purson – Ana jecore on ca Purson

Rashoon – Taran Rashoon nanay

Raum – Furca na alle laris Raum

Ronove – Kaymen vefa ronove

Ronwe – Kaymen Vefa Ronwe

Rosier – Serena Alora Rosier Aken

Sabnock – Tasa Sabnock on ca Lirach

Sallos (also Saleos) – Serena Alora Sallos Aken

Samigina (also Gamigin) – Esta ta et tasa Gamigin

Satan – Tasa reme laris Satan – Ave Satanis

Satanchia – Furca na alle laris Satanchia

Seere (also Sear or Seir) – Jeden et Renich Seere tu tasa

Shax – Ayer Avage Shax aken

Sitri – Lirach Alora vefa Sitri

Sonnelion – Ayer Serpente Sonnillion

Stolas (also Stolos) – Stolos Ramec viasa on ca

Svengali – Desa on Svengali ayer

Taroon – Taroon an ca nanay

Tezrian – Ezyr ramec ganen Tezrian

Unsere – Unsere tasa lirach on ca ayar

Uvall (also Vual or Voval) – As ana nany on ca Uvall

Valefor – Keyman vefa tasa Valefor

Vapula (also Naphula) – Renich secore Vapula typan

Vassago – Keyan vefa jedan tasa Vassago

Vepar – On ca Vepar Ag Na

Verrier – Elit Rayesta Verrier

Verrine – Elan Typan Verrine

Vine – Eyesta nas Vine ca laris

Volac (also Valak, Valac, or Valu) – Avage Secore on ca Volac

Zagan – Anay on ca secore Zagan tasa

Zepar – Lyan Ramec catya Zepar

Nov 19, 2018

Lilith, the Queen of the night

There's a lot of misconceptions floating around about Lilith. The article below clears away most of them.
In my book, Lilith is the one Goddess and is not demonic at all.

Here we go:

"I have wanted to do a post on this AMAZING lady for a long time. She is a treasure and a gem to work with. Her radiance and stunning beauty encompasses her so perfectly and completely.

Lilith is a Dark Goddess, she is one of incredible power, charisma and persuasion. She is a mistress of the divine feminine and a true seductress. Lilith encompasses the night and is the mistress of Darkness. She is a Dark Goddess through and through being able to bend and shift in the darkness and stillness of the night.
I will admit at first I had a hard time connecting with her but that was because of my own blocks. Once I got past them her energy was incredibly powerful to work with.

Lilith has many sides to her, She encompasses the spectrum of divine feminine energies, but there are a few common misconceptions about Lilith I would like to clear up….

The first misconception is that some say she is the wife of Satan.. this could not be further from the truth. She is the consort and lover of Samael who holds the title of Adversary. Many people think that Samael and Satan are the same being, but they are not. Samael is an Angel who is not part of the Holy Angel Group. He works with the Darker beings of the Outer Spiritual world, most specifically the creatures of the night. That is where his energy resides and he is the consort and lover of Lady Lilith and her King. He is not Satan.

Lord Satan is a completely different being who is a Noble Demon and the Father of Demons and the Demonic Divine. Satan and Lilith have actually never been together and do not have a connection in the outer spiritual world.

Lady Lilith is the consort and lover of Samael.
Samael and Lilith have MANY children together, in fact Lilith is the first of her kind and the mother of many offspring that are like her.

The second misconception is that Lilith is a harlot. This comes from a human bias on women and their sexuality. Lilith enjoys and loves sex and that made her in societies eyes promiscuous and whorish. She is actually an empowered women who is comfortable with her body and also with laying with men and women. This does not make her a whore. She is incredibly powerful and healing for feminine energies and as a Queen in her own right, helping both men and women to feel comfortable with their bodies and embrace themselves.

She is a Divine Goddess and one of abundance and empowered feminine archetypes.
Dukante sigil of Lilith

She is incredible and beautiful to behold, she is a goddess of women embracing their femininity. Unfortunately, to the church and other sect of society who hold women in a more negative regard, that makes her a harlot.

Lastly, she is not a baby killer. This one cannot be further from the truth, Lilith has a very mothering side and a very beautiful and passionate energy. She can be very nurturing and caring and she is a mother herself, of many children with Samael, She herself is a mother a divine mother and this I think was a story to shame her for being a sexually empowered woman. This came from history being written by the victors, Lilith left her place as a submissive woman and to pain her in a horrible light, they took away her mothering qualities to paint her as the heartless harlot they wanted everyone to see her.
But the fact remains, empowered women are mothers, who inspire and empower their children and Lilith is an empowered woman who is also an empowered wife and mother, there is no shame in any of these female energies.

Lilith in the Outer spiritual world was one who suffered great abuse and left what she knew. She ventured out into the world on her own relying only on her skill and ability. She met the Angel Samael, and they were smitten with each other. She grew and was infused with the power of the Dark Goddess, they completed each others energies and she embraced her empowered feminine qualities and stepped into the powerful Goddess and Queen that she is today.

Her power and radiance is incredible and she has learned about the feminine archetypes and is empowerment for women, she understands greatly the darkness of all sides of these energies, the great empowered darkness. Her feminine energies though are not vindictive or damaging in any way to the masculine energies, through Samael she finds balance with the masculine divine and she can be empowering and nurturing for Masculine energies as well.

She is balanced and beautiful, who seeks to empower women while still allowing them to be women.

She is vicious and a violent, one who will defend herself and her family and one who will let no one push her around, she rises to the challenge and will defend herself with the sheer might of the goddess she is.

She is a Queen of the Darkness and understands the powerful energies that sleep in the night and can bend them to her will.

She is a healer and a lover and one who can provide comfort and support to those in need.

She empowers, she can awaken our power and help us to claim who we are and our space and become the people we desire to be.

She is all this and More.

Lilith has the incredible power and ability to see through illusions and uncover the truth of false accusations. She is a very powerful sexual and bold goddess who can work powerful sex magicks and sex rituals.

She is very pro independence and helping people to rise up in their power and increase their self image.

She is the protector of women and children (especially babies) and helps to empower people in all areas.

She seeks justice and abhors slanderous gossip and bullying.

She is gifted on the areas of divination, healing, black magic, necromancy and working with and bending dark energies to her will. She knows how to work with the energies of blood and the life force contained and can assist anyone who is called to work with her in learning these skills.

She is Lilith, the Dark Mother and the Dark Queen of the Night. She is incredible to work with!

I like to work with Lilith during the night as I find her power and presence shine through, her energy also seems to change with the moon phases.

Offering good for her are blood, roses, pomegranates, hibiscus, nettle, almond, mugwort, hazel, moonwort, mistletoe, juniper, pumpkin, gourd, beetroot, white and red sandalwood, lime, hemlock, cocoa (yes chocolate hehehe), weeping willow, dragonwort, nightshade, amaranth, cinnamon, chrysanthemum, lotus, rosemary, saffron.

Incense she likes are are: Jasmine, lotus, red and white sandalwood, dragon’s blood, cinnamon, olibanum, camphor, myrrh, jasmine, frankincense, golden copal, amber, saffron.

Crystals she likes are: Moonstone, fire opal, chrysolite, aventurine, aquamarine, diamond, ruby, obsidian, onyx, jet, topaz, and garnet.

Lilith’s Enn is – "Renich viasa avage lillith lirach"


Sep 12, 2018

The Devil speak

You know what the Devil says?

"Look inside of you and grow the fuck up! Stop using me as your excuse to run away, to hurt each other, to kill one another. I never told any of you to do that. God the one father never told any of you to do that. You choose to do these things to each other. Then you use me as your convenient excuse to do these things.

You want power? Dig into yourself and find it.

You want joy? Get off your behinds and go create it! Stop expecting the Gods to do all your work for you.

Stop committing suicide. This is a cop out. It's a lie. It's a quick road to the entities, and trust in this. You don't want to face them after running away. Yes life is hard. Of course it's hard. Your reality is hard! It was never meant to be easy. It's your creation your making. You say you don't like it? Then change it for the better and stop making all of us your excuse for hating each other.

We talk to you, and you never listen.
We inspire you and you drink and drug it all away.
You receive every key to every golden door that you require, and most of you refuse to walk through.

None of this is my fault. None of this is our fault.

Stop blaming us. Look at yourselves.

The message is clear and easy, and it comes from the top.

It's time for this all to change. And I guarantee that most will shudder at this revelation.

Yes, this is me, and the sad part is, none of you will believe it.

Let that sink in to your reality for awhile. That's all for now. "

The Devil's Bible by William Allan Lavey & Andreas Bathory ©National Library Of Romania 2018

Sep 10, 2018

King Leviathan

one of Leviathan's sigils

"Leviathan is a god of knowledge, witchcraft, and magickal arcana who 'awakens the spirit to immortal possibility.'

He presides over life, draconian magick, wisdom, empathy, initiation, fertility, insight, healing, creativity, astral shapeshifting, strength, execration magick, conception and birth, the reflection of curses, apostasy,  truth, divination, antinomianism, chaos, courage, emotion, destruction, self-esteem, dream work, atavism, marriage, and liberation from the mental barriers to your psychic perceptions and the manifest-ing of your magick.

Leviathan can be called upon in workings of self-transformation purposed towards the dissolution of the ego, the diminishment of self-imposted mental barriers, the empowerment of the Black Flame, the refinement of astral perception, dream work, and the stimulation of the Kundalini. He manifests results in spellwork with impressive speed and potency."
(from V.K. Jehannum Blog)

Leviathan evocation

He appeared in the temple straight away. I summoned him simply by repeating his name with intention to talk to him. His presence was quite subtle.

She appeared in a lovely and actractive form of a younger lady. She explained that he can take any form as his own, even female. She personifies the water element and first H in the YHVH formula.

The ritual lasted more than 30 mins; Leviathan accepted my requests and suggested a few important things to help me on my path. He indeed works very fast!

At one point we agreed that invocation is in order and after a few minutes she kindly said: "I better leave or it will be too much and you can get sick".
Such power and kindness!

To make a long story short, Leviathan, to me, is no sinister and dark satanic demon but quite pleasant, bright, kind and wise being, able to grant most of my requests, for free. S/he is in perfect balance between light and dark and male and female.

A true spiritual master, s/he is tolerant and yet very determined.

Leviathan's enn

He told me these words are a way to contact him:

Jedan Tasa Hoet Naca Leviathan

Jedan Tasa Hoet Naca Leviathan

Sep 9, 2018

King Belial

Belial closer up

In the Abramelin operation, I got his allegiance......and that was the extent of my relationship with Belial, more or less. Now, a few years later, things have changed.

A dream

Not so long ago I dreamt vividly about a magical ring. In that dream, I took it in my hands and examined it closely. It was made of gold, marked with a dark brown unknown sigil, and inscribed with the name Belial.
Holding it in my hands, I was on the verge of realizing something important and deep. At the same time I felt a strong presence of something not at all dark or evil, but powerfully familiar...and I woke up.

That was enough to sparkle up my interest.

Later that day I decided to perform a ritual and to summon Belial. I wanted to know what the heck was going on. I used no triangle, no circle, no standard Goetia procedure. Just clear awareness of my true (non)self and sharp intention.

He manifested rather quickly, right outside the window of my room, as per my intention (later on I invited him into the room). After the usual emotional-mental reaction on my part in similar rituals (his presence seemed to clear up my main illusions about him), things calmed down.

I could feel his power, and for a moment there I forgot about everything. The sheer power, not bad or evil, just a very strong presence. Belial is said to be of the element of earth, and that's exactly what I perceived.

In our exchange I was respectful, no Goetia-like threats were involved on my end and he was calm, composed, and clear. It was obvious that his wisdom way surpasses mine.

Interestingly enough, he did not send that ring and energy projection into my dream; he explained that sometimes humans can see into the future in dreams.

He answered my questions patiently and accepted my requests without a word. He didn't ask anything in return as he already took an oath in the Abramelin op.

I asked him what else he can do to help me on my path. His answer was: "I can remove your ignorance that brought you before me."
His answer seemed a bit cheeky at first but I soon realized that I am not just ignorant, I'm also arrogant.

So, I asked him to elaborate a bit and he explained that the fairytale humans are telling themselves about the 'fall' and war between darkness and light and demons and angels are just that: a fairytale.

Not all that new to me, but to hear this from one of the most 'dark' and supposedly demonic spirits, well, that's different.

He also suggested a few other things which were right on the money.

Already during the ritual, I felt great, full of energy, and high-spirited. We talked like old friends. He is a great teacher, a master of all things esoteric and magick.
He imparted great secrets and said that he can teach me much more. At that point my ignorance/arrogance again become obvious: "There is more!?", I asked, surprised.

Well, his help become reality in less than 6 hours. He is fast, no doubts there. That day and night I experienced what I can only describe as a miracle. An obstacle I was facing for a very long time finally fell off, thanks to Belial.

There is a lot more to share, but it's all along the personal line and not suitable for the public, let me just say that Belial is a very skillful, wise, and powerful angelic being, quite often completely misunderstood. He is no demon, no satanic force or demonic destructive spirit. He is not evil, not even bad... is just human shortsightedness and stupidity that paints such helpful beings like Belial dark and evil.

That's my experience, of course.

Belial's enn

Enns are (invented by humans, some say) calls of invitation, admiration, or protection to certain Spirits that are chanted, vibrated, or spoken. They can be used during evocation rituals, meditation, to connect to a Spirit for protection, etc.

Enns are very similar in intent and effect to Eastern mantras in producing a specific magical effect.

I asked Belial about his enn and he said: "I notice a person repeating these words immediately and can come closer if desired".

Belial's enn:

Lirach Tasa Vefa Wehlc Belial

A warning:
Be careful when evoking Belial as he is very powerful indeed. He is not at all evil, of course, but your illusions and suppressed emotions, pre-conceptions, neurotic tendencies, etc. can screw you up with such a strong being in your room.
Evoke Belial only when you are very strong. That's my unsolicited advice.

Good luck with your work!

Read this blog post as well, if you will:

Sep 2, 2018

King Paimon (II.)

Linan Tesa jedan Paimon

108 repetitions of King Paimon's enn.

Enns are spoken in what we can only call demonic language. His enn (written above) brings him near you, blesses you with his powerful presence, and protects you 100%.


You might want to check this blog on King Paimon >>

Aug 31, 2018

King Paimon

Paimon Demonic Enn: 
Linan Tesa jedan Paimon

I have grown quite fond of Goetia magick over the years. Having been inspired and guided by my Kalika, I have performed several Goetia evocations that produced positive and surprising results.

Enter Paimon

Years back, after the successful Abramelin operation, I evoked the King Paimon in Goetia style for the first time. Having already gotten his allegiance in the Abramelin op., it was an easy and yet quite interesting ritual!

During our conversation, he offered to bind to me whomever I wanted, unconditionally. I declined. I did ask him to teach me Kabbalah and some other system of reality interpretation and he delivered big time!

His presence or influence after the ritual was very, very powerful, non-intrusive, and yet borderline obsessive. He has shown me his power no doubt.
I learned a lot, though, and my fairly developed claircognizance skyrocketed. I simply knew the most intimate secrets of others just by looking at them. It was not pretty.

Paimon is a really powerful angelic spirit, and I can not find anything dark, evil, or demonic about him or his abilities.

Quite the opposite. One of his abilities, as we can see in the texts below, is to confer dignity.

In my experience that translates not to blowing up ego trip, but to contributing to sincere, up close and personal dignity, self-respect, self-love, self-worth, and compassion towards one's intimate perception of self as a whole person. And only after dignity is experienced and enjoyed, only then can one offer real respect to others, in my opinion.

How many thousands or even millions of depressed people are out there, maybe mostly due to lack of said dignity! Well, Paimon has or IS the cure.

Be that as it may, with his 200 legions of spirits under his command (according to a number of men in one legion in ancient Rome, that's around one million spirits), Paimon really can and indeed does provide whatever one asks.

Sigil of Paimon

Various books share this info about this spirit:

Daemonolatry Goetia – S. Connolly [2010]
Seek Paimon to understand alchemy. Seek Paimon for creative pursuits or to design a plan of action.
Paimon can also help in emotional understanding.

Works of Darkness – E.A. Koetting [2007]
If a person needs to be swayed by demonic influence, King Paimon will assign as many familiars to the victim as needed, prodding and coercing day and night until the result is achieved.

King Paimon offers the practicality and the answer to the necessity that often carries the Dabbler to Black Magick’s door.

Being adept in many fields, Paimon can teach the Evocator the most advanced methods of science, art, physics, chemistry and astrology, as well as having the power to bestow titles and recognition upon the Sorcerer. Here, his knowledge and abilities will be used in a feat which most that have worked with him consider to be his forte: the subjugation of the mind and will of others.

In this, King Paimon has consistently demonstrated not only swift but also forceful and effective action.

Although once a working relationship with Paimon is cemented any imaginable influence may be effected, for this experimental Working your goal should be within reason yet dramatic enough that the success of it could be attributed to
nothing but the influence of King Paimon. A disliked coworker may be made to treat you differently for a day, an uninterested object of desire may be coerced into reciprocating the attention she’s given, a spouse may change an annoying habit, etc.

Luciferian Goetia – Michael W Ford [2007]
Paimon is an angel-daimon of Lucifer, whom appears as a man crowned upon a camel.
This spirit is a familiar of musick, thus by invoking Paimon one may work through an avenue of self-initiation through creating musick.
Paimon is a powerful Angelick King of the Witchcraft, whom has 200 Legions of spirits – half are the Orders of Angels, the others being Potentates. Paimon appears with two Spirit/Djinn – Label and Ablim who are referred to as Kings.

Paimon is perhaps one of the most significant Angelick Rulers, which along with Astaroth (whom is more bestial/demonic in nature and appearance) opens the way to the “Grail” of Lucifer’s crown – the perception of “I” and the mind separate from the universe. Paimon is a higher spirit of self-initiation, who is a path maker for ones own becoming.

Paimon sometimes appears as an angelick spirit with a flaming sword. His office is Guardian of the Path through Leviathan, the Guardian of the Depths and Subconscious.

The Book Of The Goetia Of Solomon The King [1904]
(9.) PAIMON – The Ninth Spirt in this Order is Paimon, a Great King, and very obedient unto LUCIFER.
He appeareth in the form of a Man sitting upon a Dromedary with a Crown most glorious upon his head.
There goeth before him also an Host of Spirits, like Men with Trumpets and well sounding Cymbals, and all other sorts of Musical Instruments.
He hath a great Voice, and roareth at his first coming,and his speech is such that the Magician cannot well understand it unless he can compel him.
This Spirit can teach all Arts and Science, and other secret things.
He can discover unto thee what the Earth is, and what holdeth it up in the Waters; and what Mind is, and where it is; or any other thing thou mayest desire to know. He giveth Dignity, and confirmeth the same. He bindeth or maketh any man subject to the Magician if he so desire it.
He giveth good Familiars, and such as can teach all Arts. He is to be observed towards the West.
He is of the Order of Dominations.
He hath under him 200 Legions of Spirits, and part of them are
of the Order of Angels, and the other part of Potentates.
Now if thou callest this Spirit Paimon alone, thou must make him some offering; and there will attend him two Kings called LABAL and ABALIM, and also other Spirits who be of the Order of Potentates in his Host,
and 25 Legions.
And those Spirits which be subject unto them are not always with them unless the Magician do compel them.
His Character is this which must be worn as a Lamen before thee, etc.

Dictionnaire Infernal [1863]:
Paymon is a king of hell who governs 200 legions,
half of them from the Angelic
Order, and half from the Order of Powers.
He appears as a man with a woman’s face riding a dromedary, and crowned with a headdress made with precious stones.
If Paymon is evoked by sacrifice or libation, he may appear accompanied by Bebal and Abalam.

Pseudomonarchia Daemonum [1577]
Paimon is more obedient in Lucifer than other kings are.
Lucifer is here to be understood he that was drowned in the depth of his knowledge: he would needs be like God, and for his arrogance was thrown out into destruction, of whom it is said;
Every precious stone is thy covering.

Paimon is constrained by divine virtue to stand before the exorcist; where he putteth on the likeness of a man: he sitteth on a beast called a dromedarie, which is a swift runner, and weareth a glorious crown, and hath an effeminate countenance.

There goeth before him an host of men with trumpets and well sounding cymbals, and all musicall instruments.
At the first he appeareth with a great cry and roaring, as in Circulo Salomonis, and in the art is declared.
And if this Paimon speaketh sometime that the conjuror understand him not, let him not therefore be dismayed.

But when he hath delivered him the first obligation to observe his desire, he must bid him also answer him distinctly and plainly to the questions he shall ask you, of all philosophy, wisdom, and science, and of all other secret things.
And if you will know the disposition of the world, and what the earth is, or what holdeth it up in the water, or any other thing, or what is Abyss, or where the wind is, or from whence it cometh, he will teach you abundantly.

Consecrations also as well of sacrifices as otherwise may be reckoned.
He giveth dignities and confirmations; he bindeth them that resist him in his own chains, and subjecteth them to the conjuror; he prepareth good familiars, and hath the understanding of all arts.

Note, that at the calling up of him, the exorcist must look towards the northwest, because there is his house.
When he is called up, let the exorcist receive him constantly without fear, let him ask what questions or demands he list, and no doubt he shall obtain the same of him.

And the exorcist must beware he forget not the creator, for those things, which have been rehearsed before of Paimon, some say he is of the order of dominations; others say, of the order of cherubim.
There follow him two hundred legions, partly of the order of angels, and partly of potestates.

Note that if Paimon is cited alone by an offering or sacrifice, two kings follow him; to wit, Bebal & Abalam, & other potentates: in his host are twenty-five legions, because the spirits subject to them are not always with them, except they be compelled to appear by divine virtue.

Paimon Demonic Enn: 
Linan Tesa jedan Paimon

Aug 30, 2018

Hierarchy of Angels

Light and Dark, Angels and Demons, Good and Evil - a duality that has been occupying human awareness for so long...can indeed be seen as illusory at any given moment!

In this blog, I will outline the hierarchy of Spirits that are in the Abrahamic lore referred to as Angels and/or Demons.

Illustrated Goetia shares info on some of these Spirits as though they are fallen. "The Fall", that mystic and quite a vague event, is said to have taken place a long time ago.
In my (subjective) experience, however, this fall is taking place at each moment in our minds.

No need to divide Freedom into duality. Why limit oneself to only Light or Dark?

Here we go:

The Angels are also divided into nine hierarchical so-called Orders or Choirs:

– the First Order of Angels is the Choir of the Seraphim,
– the Second Order of Angels is the Choir of the Cherubim,
– the Third Order of Angels is the Choir of Thrones,
– the Fourth Order of Angels is the Choir of Dominations,
– the Fifth Order of Angels is the Choir of Virtues,
– the Sixth Order of Angels is the Choir of Powers,
– the Seventh Order of Angels is the Choir of Principalities,
– the Eighth Order of Angels is the Choir of Archangels and
– the Ninth Order of Angels is the Choir of Angels.

The Angels of the Ninth Order are closest to the material world, and the human begins. They deliver the prayers to God and God’s answers and other messages to humans. Angels can access all other Angels at any time. They are the most caring and social to assist those who ask for help.
Goetia spirits Camio and Murmur are of this Order.

The Archangels are taken to mean “chief or leading angel”.

In the New Testament Principalities refer to one type of spiritual (metaphysical) beings which are now quite hostile to God and human beings.

The Powers or Potentates are Warrior Angels against evil defending the cosmos and humans. They are known as potentates. They fight against evil spirits who attempt to wreak chaos on human beings.
Beleth, Gaap, Uvall, Crokel belong to this Order as per Goetia.

The Virtues are known as the Spirits of Motion and control the elements. They are sometimes referred to as “the shining ones.”
In Goetia, these spirits are of this Order: Agares, Vassago, Sitri, and Barbatos.

The Dominions are Angels of Leadership. They regulate the duties of the angels, making known the commands of God.
Goetia spirits Paimon, Marchosias are of this Order.

The Thrones are the Angels of pure Humility, Peace, and Submission. They reside in the area of the cosmos where material form begins to take shape.
Purson is of this Order, and Forneus, Raum, and Murmur, as per Illustrated Goetia.

The Cherubim are the second highest in the nine hierarchies or choirs of angels. They were closely linked in God’s glory. They are manlike in appearance and double-winged and were guardians of God’s glory.

The Seraphim are the highest order or choir of angels. They are the angels who are attendants or guardians before God’s throne. Seraphim have six wings, two cover their faces, two cover their feet, and two are for flying. Seraphiel, Yahoel, Lucifer, and Gabriel are of this Order.

The spirits listed in Goetia are not dark and Angels from the tree of life are not only pure light, far from it! 
Actually, a lot of "demons" are little blond schoolgirls in comparison to certain "angels" (Seraphiel or Gabriel for example). Gabriel has killed, destroyed, and obliterated at will, i.e. committed genocide, for example. And try to summon Seraphiel and see him in his full form...well, good luck.

Good and Evil is justa subjective mental designation, nothing more.

What do you think?

- Illustrated Goetia

Aug 17, 2018

Getting Real

Morning Star

"I neither can nor want to do anything for you,
I do not need your worship,
Your blood or your sex energy.

I am not here to answer your questions
I am here to question your motives.

I am not 'dark' and I am not 'light',
I am beyond both.

So, own your elitist ego trips,
Grow up and stop your 'dark' drama,
And rebelling against your own creations,
For you are beyond that, too."
- Lucifer

Jun 24, 2018

The nature of a Luciferian

“Anything of Light is beautiful. You just have to be able to see it”
( extracts -The Forbidden Religion)

The Luciferian is a superior, illuminated being, as opposed to those who blindly worship idols. He is a lonely traveller on the darkest path of them all, the path that goes through himself, so as to walk in the realm of his greatest enemies, his own demons.

He must make his own light to survive that journey. Sometimes this light is so powerful others can see it, and his actions and intentions manifest onto the world as willed gestures of magickal change.

Never losing sight of his physical or spiritual being, he expands all ideas and plans from the reality that he is currently in, keenly realizing that reality shifts according to who defines reality, as would any great Magician and Mystic sage.

Luciferianism cannot be taught. People who become Luciferians do not learn how to become so; they are only inspired to awaken the potential already buried deep inside them.

Therefore, converting people into Luciferianism is per se impossible. We are a combination of divine (spiritual) and material (carnal).Spiritual matters are part of nature, and as man document the keys of nature, so will spiritual matters be mapped out fully one day.

The Luciferian is a might incarnate, a god in the flesh, the highest expression of life in this world. Luciferians keep their words of wisdom in the shadows; the light is not always for those who are without. Truth did not come into this world nude. It came as a personified incarnate. It would not be accepted otherwise.

It has been said that the whole history of mankind can be explained as simply as the fight between light and darkness, but how do we define light and darkness? What man calls light is the light created by the demiurge, since man does not know any light superior to it. It is the light which comes from the created world and which, for the Spirit, is unfathomable darkness. Darkness, which comes from the demiurge and his demonic creation, is what man calls light. Man calls Truth the Great Lie, the Great Deception, that which we can call the Great Mockery.

There is another Light, superior, inconceivable, unknowable: the Uncreated Light which comes from the kingdom of the True and Unknown God. What would happen if this Light burst into this impure universe? Man would go almost blind. What would he see? Would he see a light? No, he would see the night. His eyes are not ready to see this infinitely pure and perfect Light. He would be frightened, fearing, and rightly so, that he would be destroyed by the Light. So he would call this Light "evil", "darkness", which happens with everything seen through the eyes of the impure, the body and soul of man, and not through the eyes of the Spirit.

This is the confusion between darkness and Light, the same confusion that exists between the creator god and the Unknowable God, between the created and the Uncreated, between the soul and the Spirit. That is why man unwittingly calls true darkness light and True Light darkness. True Light would blind and destroy him. If man could withstand the vision of True Light without dying, he would only see unfathomable darkness, because he would be seeing the True Light.


Patrick Gaffiero VII° Luciferian Order/Ordo Obscurus/Ordo Dracul/DomusDei

Re-posted from FB with permission.

Apr 27, 2018

Living in Hell on Earth

"If you want to live an absolute hell, believe that you
are responsible for what other people feel."
- Marshall Rosenberg

Apr 22, 2018

Why do people dread Kali?

Kali is the one Tantric Goddess of transformation, annihilation, and destruction of illusions and delusions, to Her devotees and initiates She is the one cosmic CEO who runs everything.

She is standing on top of the Shiva, the God of destruction, meaning that She is completely free, even from Him, wild in Her expression of Her female power, and She is completely dedicated to Her devotees and children or initiates.

She never holds back and She gives everything, everything.

I have seen quite advanced adepts, magicians and aspirants bow down their heads before Her in respect, awe, and maybe even slight fear.

Why is that?

Well, I honestly do not know. To me, She is the most beautiful being in existence, despite Her dark appearance. Of course, after incarnations of practicing Her Tantric rites, She has removed pretty much everything that I held dear and/or denied in my inner psychological climate:

fear of change, attachments to certain ideas, people, objects; aversion to light and dark; running away from coldness inside; denial of everyday life duties and responsibilities; emotions of anger, hate, pride, happiness, love, doubt, guilt, regret, shame; attachments to god-forms; personal energy manipulations; self-esteem and self-denial, etc.

It is my observation that many dread Her not because they have any contact with Her, but because they fear facing their inner dis-harmonies that are reflected back to them by Her omnipresence.

People, in my opinion, dread losing their own personal and transpersonal delusions and project that on Her.

Working with Kali

Well, if one wants to work with Kali and to maybe receive Her blessings, do take care and be careful, for She is deadly serious in Her work.

If one opens up to Her, She will bring down everything that is not pure consciousness, fast and regardless.

And just like She is ruthlessly effective in destroying illusions in the lives of Her devotees and initiates, She is downright dangerous to those that somehow manage to upset Her or Her initiates.

I remember a situation years back where a person in my life acted unjustly towards me and did not hear me when I tried to meet her needs. She insisted on her version of the situation and did not at all see what she is doing to me. Well, for a few days I tolerated the bullshit coming from her and then went into meditation and, knowing that I am innocent, asked my Kali to teach that person a lesson.

In a few days, that person was fired from her job, lost her income, was evicted from her rented apartment, and was left by her partner. A total collapse in her daily life.

I can only imagine what would have happened had I asked my Kali to punish her and not just to teach her a lesson.

What is my point?

Well, there is no need to fear Kali when there is no clinging involved or when intentions and motives are pure...

...and it is indeed quite wise to dread Her if one somehow upsets Her or Her initiates.

NO protection in this or any other Universe will save one from Her wrath if and when Her wrath is due; no pentagram banishing rituals will help, no protection circle, no sobbing and crying "Oh, I did not mean that..." will have any impact at all.


Apr 18, 2018

Milarepa’s Song of Threes

Jetsun Milarepa, black magician and Mahasiddha

Thunder, lightning, and the southern clouds, these three,
Although they arise, they arise from the sky itself;
Although they dissolve, they dissolve into the sky itself.

Rainbows, mist, and fog, these three,
Although they arise, they arise from the earth itself;
Although they dissolve, they dissolve into the earth itself.

Forests, flowers, and leaves, these three,
Although they arise, they arise from the mountain itself;
Although they dissolve, they dissolve into the mountain itself.

Rivers, bubbles, and waves, these three,
Although they arise, they arise from the ocean itself;
Although they dissolve, they dissolve into the ocean itself.

Habitual tendencies, clinging, and fixation, these three,
Although they arise, they arise from the All-Ground [storehouse consciousness] itself;
Although they dissolve, they dissolve into the All-Ground itself.

Natural awareness, natural lucidity, and natural liberation, these three,
Although they arise, they arise from the nature of mind itself;
Although they dissolve, they dissolve into the nature of mind itself.

The birthless, the deathless, and the expressionless, these three,
Although they arise, they arise from the nature of things itself;
Although they dissolve, they dissolve into the nature of things itself.

The appearance as demons, the apprehension as demons, and the conceptualizing as demons, these three,
Although they arise, they arise from the Yogi himself;
Although they dissolve, they dissolve into the Yogi himself.

– Milarepa

from The Hundred Thousand Songs of Milarepa
Translated from the Tibetan by Erick Tsiknopoulos

Apr 13, 2018

Grimorium Verum Spirits

In this article, we shall look into the hierarchy of spirits as well as into their offices.

While these spirits are really real and not just a figment of medieval human imagination, the offices listed below might not be literal 'translations' of their abilities.

Hierarchy of spirits as per Grimorium Verum

Concerning spirits, there are the superior and the inferior.
Names of the superiors are Lucifer, Beelzebuth, Astaroth. 

The inferiors of Lucifer are in Europe and Asia, and obey him.

Beelzebuth lives in Africa, and Astaroth inhabits America.

Of these, each of them has two who order their subjects all that which the Emperor has resolved to do in all the world, and vice-versa.

Lucifer has two demons under him:
- Satanackia and
- Agalierap.

Beelzebuth has two demons under him:
- Tarchimache and
- Fleruty.

The two inferiors of Astaroth are:
- Sagatana and
- Nesbiros.

Abilities and offices of spirits

There are yet other daemons, apart from these, who are under Duke Syrach. There are eighteen of these, and their names are:

I. Clauneck (Elantiel)
has power over riches, can cause treasures to be found. He can give great riches to he who makes a pact with him, for he is much loved by Lucifer. It is he who causes money to be brought.

II. Musisin
has power over great lords, teaches all that happens in the Republics, and the affairs of the Allies.

III. Bechaud
is associated with the day of the week Friday

IV. Frimost
has power over women and girls, and will help you to obtain their use.

V. Klepoth
makes you see all sorts of dreams and visions.

VI. Khil
makes great earthquakes.

VII. Mersilde
has the power to transport anyone in an instant, anywhere.

VIII. Clisthert
allows you to have day or night, whichever you wish, when you desire either.

IX. Sirchade
makes you see all sorts of natural and supernatural animals.

X. Segal
will cause all sorts of prodigies to appear.

XI. Hicpacth
will bring you a person in an instant, though he be far away.

XII. Humots
can bring you any book you desire.

XIII. Frucissiere
revives the dead.

XIV. Guland
causes all illnesses.

XV. Surgat (Aquiel)
opens every kind of lock.

XVI. Morail
can make anything invisible.

XVII. Frutimiere
prepares all kinds of feasts for you.

XVIII. Huictiigaras
causes sleep in the case of some, and insomnia in others.

Under Satanachia (subordinate of Lucifer)  are forty-five daemons. Four of these, the chiefs:
- Sergutthy,
- Heramael,
- Trimasael and
- Sustugriel.

The others are of no great consequence.

These spirits are of great advantage, and they work well and speedily, in the case that they are pleased with the operator.

has power over maidens and wives, when things are favorable.

Heramael teaches the art of healing, including the complete knowledge of any illness and its cure, He also makes known the virtues of plants, where they are to be found, when to pluck them, and their making into a complete cure.

Trimasael teaches chemistry and all means of conjuring of the nature of deceit or sleight-of-hand.
He also teaches the secret of making the Powder of Projection, using which the base metals may be turned into gold or silver.

Sustugriel teaches the art of magic. He gives familiar spirits that can be used for all purposes, and he also gives mandragores.

Agalierept (subordinate of Lucifer)  and Tarihimal are the rulers of Elelogap, who in turn governs matters connected with water.

Nebirots (subordinate of Astaroth) rules
- Hael and
- Surgulath.

The former (Hael) enables anyone to speak in any language he will and also teaches the means whereby any type of letter may be written. He is also able to teach those things which are most secret and completely hidden.

Sergulath gives every means of speculation. In addition, he instructs as to the methods of breaking the ranks and strategy of opponents.

Subject to these are the eight most powerful subordinates:

who can cause a person to sleep for forty-eight hours, with the knowledge of the spheres of sleep.

who can cause anyone to pass through fire without being touched by it.

who causes a person to be beloved of women.

who gives the two benefits of attaining invisibility and the love of great lords.

who can carry anyone or anything anywhere in the world.

causes any girl to dance in the nude.

can make anyone win at any game.

can cause hate and spiteful jealousy between members of the opposite sexes.


See also a great e-book on the subject:

Apr 12, 2018

The End of Drama

Being an occultist, mystic, and/or (red/white/black) magician is NOT only about evoking or invoking and employing various spirits, demons, angels and god forms, other's will manipulation, bending time, etc...

It is also, and most importantly, living here on Earth happily and healthy especially in relationships.

Magic, in general, can be full of drama, real-life I am talking about simply isn't:

Fault vs responsibility

No one can make you happy but yourself

Apr 9, 2018

Symptoms of a dark attack

Swimming in the vast and deep ocean of the occult, magick, and witchcraft (or just living upon this Earth), one can experience various symptoms that indicate that a psychic or magic attack is underway.

These things are genuine and can have increasingly adverse outcomes:

- maybe there is someone who thinks of you with intense negative emotions and intentions,
- maybe someone hexes or curses you,
- maybe even sends you a spirit (a black witch spirit, a demon, etc.) intending to cause your troubles.

- it is also possible that old, the so-called trans-incarnation pacts with the dark spirits, are still active and are disturbing your newly acquired peace of mind in a new body.

- maybe a trans-generational curse is still active, and/or a pact with a dark spirit has been made by one of your ancestors, messing up the whole lineage of your family.

- maybe you over eagerly performed some dark ritual, made a questionable agreement with a dark spirit, did not give the spirit a license to depart, forgot to banish afterward, etc., and now all the hell broke loose.

- maybe an old house is haunted by an evil spirit of a man or woman who died there.

As I said, these things are very real and do happen.

So how can one know that "something" is out of order?

Here are the most common sudden symptoms of psychic and/or magical attack:

  • Obsessive negative thoughts, especially about attacks, accidents, depressive thoughts - just out of the blue.
  • Recurring nightmares where you are being hunted, strangled, hanged, or otherwise killed or tortured; nightmares of blood and cutting flesh.
  • A severe and localized sharp pain in the body (headache, toothache, chest pain).
  • A clear sense of heaviness on your shoulders or pressure over specific areas of your physical body.
  • Frequent temperature changes in your body (in a non-changing environment).
  • A sensation or vague intuitive perception that you are being observed by something dark.
  • Feeling drained of your energy; a sudden drop in your energy level.
  • An unexpected and causeless illness.
  • Cold shivers over your body without any environmental cause.
  • Having really bad luck all of a sudden.
  • Having difficulties succeeding in business, failing exams, losing money income - all in short periods.
  • Losing memory, blur vision, disorientation, suddenly becoming distracted, irritated for no reason, blank mind.
  • Emotional outbursts with no reasonable cause (you lash out on others, break things in your home, etc.).
  • Hearing things when no one is around.
  • Losing psychic abilities fast.
  • Objects in your home or office are falling, moving by themselves; kitchen appliances stop working all of a sudden.
  • Being waked up from your night sleep or afternoon nap by a touch on your feet, hands, head.
  • Hearing or sensing someone calling your name causes you to have panic attacks.
  • Your child or children wake up at night screaming, stiff cold, disoriented, or falling off the bed hurting themselves.
  • Sudden loss of control or lucidity in your dreams by some spirit taking over your dream/astral body.
  • Dreaming of having sex with some dream entity over and over again.

Magickal & spiritual assistance in any of the above cases >>

Mar 30, 2018

Killing God

Decades back, when I was only starting to (intellectually at first) explore various paths, I read a booklet about Zen Buddhism. I don't remember the title but what I clearly remember is an amazement I felt when I read that a well known Zen Master said: "If you meet the Buddha in person, kill him!"

My puny little intellect was in no condition to comprehend the depth of such a statement. My attachments to some godform or another were too strong...

...and now a few decades fast forward to present situation: after a few thousands hours of meditation, hundreds of Tantric and LHP rituals of evocation and invocation and sex magic, and really a lot of Vajrayana level of Work (Chöd, Anuttarayoga Tantra and Mahamudra/Dzogchen meditations), I slowly but surely begin to comprehend the "to kill the Buddha" notion.

Human awareness is really complex. I have had my share of formal studies on the subject of various levels of human consciousness and modern transpersonal psychology offers some interesting observations.

There are various levels of identity development all humanity goes through. And at the transpersonal or spiritual side of things there are three levels:
- the Subtle (one identifies with multitude of godforms, spirits, angels, demons, higher selves etc.),
- the Causal (one identifies with the so called "I am presence", the Oneness, the One God, Source of everything, God the father etc.) and
- the Nondual (way beyond all godforms, ideas, any kind of identifications: emptiness - sunyata in Sanskrit).

The famous Zen Master mentioned above obviously went all the way and saw through every single idea, through every form/godform, through every existing structure, all of which enabled him to express his detachment regarding the Buddha, the original Zen Master.

So now when I read in a book or in a sincere sharing in Facebook post that someone is totally ecstatic and full of joy when aware and sharing "I have killed the god", now I am able to understand that this is not a statement of a madman or self-inflated-egomaniac or darkness-personified in deluded-satanist but of a person who has (probably) de-identified with all the personal (authentic) and transpersonal (Subtle, Causal and Nondual) notions and identifications.

And that truly is overwhelmingly breathtaking to some student on the Path like me...

... to a thoroughly realized master, on the other hand, that state of consciousness is as natural as breathing:

"With no gods to worship, no spirits to exorcise,
No culture of meditation, unpretentious, free and easy,
Here is an unaffected lord without pride in his sense of totality,
And wide open, hanging loosely, in spontaneity and oneness,
Without need to act, secure in the now, stress-free,
We are happy."

Let me close this article with a quote from yet another true Master:

"The very meaning of the 'Mahamudra - Great Perfection', refers to the true primordial state of every individual and not to any transcendent reality."
- Chogyal Namkhai Norbu

May we all attain, on our own, following whichever path!


Mar 25, 2018

The Evocation of Lilith

This ritual should be performed during New Moon. The magician must not have sex for the previous 11 days, and also, shouldn’t sleep 24 hours before the ritual.

You will need two black candles, and strong incense like Dragon’s Blood or Musk; the Black Mirror and the Seal of Lilith.

Lit the candles and the incense, and focus your attention on the seal. Once you have done this, begin chanting either aloud or mentally, the following mantra eleven times:

Renich viasa avage lillith lirach 

Feel the dark energy around you. When you feel ready, spill some of your blood on the seal and then begin with the invocation:

Ishet Zenunim Taninsam Ama Lilith Liftoach Kliffot! 
In this Dark Night, it’s my true will to evoke the Queen of Sitra Ahra Lilith, Queen of Harlotry,
 Mother of all Demons, Mistress of Gamaliel, Unholy Mother of Prostitution, appear before me, 

This Black Mirror is a Portal to the Other Side, A living manifestation of your Timeless Power! Lepaca Gamaliel! Lepaca Lilith! 
Obscene Bloodthirsty Mother, Black Madonna, 
Open the portals to the Other Side and appear on this mirror, 
Teach me your Unholy Secrets, Great Mother of Demons, 
appear and show me you true face, Because I am your son/daughter...

Ishet Zenunim Taninsam Ama Lilith Liftoach Kliffot! 
(11x times) 

In the name of the Dragon! Ho Drakon Ho Megas! 

Begin touching yourself and focus your attention on the seal. When you reach orgasm, project the image of the seal in the mirror. Open your mind and let the experience flow free.

Sources: adaptation of text from Liber Azerate


Here we see a typical dark ritual including fire, blood, words of power, orgasm, mirror.

Of course, offering blood or sperm to a spirit is a fast way up or down, depending on the operator's clarity of perception. Queen Lilith is not any spirit, of course, but the ride can get very rough nevertheless.

Good luck!

Mar 15, 2018

Embracing darkness

An Aghori Tantric

Most feared and also respected sect of Tantra practitioners still found 
in India and Bangladesh.
They are the truest practitioners of the dark arts aiming at
total freedom.

Feb 28, 2018

Lilith and Magical Initiation

The role of Lilith as Queen of the Sitra Ahra is that of an initiatrix who, through a progressive descent to the depths of one’s soul, is revealing those parts of ourselves which we have banished into our unconscious. The sum of this denied material is our shadow.

The exploration of the dark side through qabalistic symbolism, is the exploration of the dark side, not only of one’s own soul, but also of mankind’s soul, as well as the cosmos itself.

Man, tamed by the commodities of modernity, has forgotten himself to become a piece of the great machine which is modern society. Existential questioning is by itself a useful tool to start freeing oneself from the paradigm, but this is not enough. Action is needed. Existentialism must serve to start a progressive process which ends with the maturity of man as creator of his own existence, and this can only be achieved through the exploration of one’s own being in all its dimensions. In this process, and because of the very nature of knowledge itself, man is transformed. How is this transformation possible? Through magical initiation.

Traditional initiatorical systems have decayed into mere speculative groups, only discussing the symbols and myths of their tradition, without actually applying their knowledge. Magic is a tool to achieve this realization, but only within an intiatorical context, this is, so that it allows the realization of the individual’s full potential. To do this, a system of magical initiation must not focus only on one aspect of the individual, but has to strive to reach a balance of the forces and potentials in order to reach a certain dynamism allowing the ascent of the spirit towards self realization.

Lilith is the initiatrix into the mysteries of the dark side and, as such, is the dark mother in whose womb we can only find death and desolation. But, as I’ve mentioned before, it is in this womb that we can find the secrets of divinity.

The quest for the inner divine spark requires sacrifices, and the payment for a new life in which one becomes the creator of his or her own reality, is that one must destroy their old life. In the Other Side, beyond God’s light, lies the power that modern man has forgotten and banished, a power that Lilith, as Queen of the Sitra Ahra, reveals to the adept who dares to enter her womb.

The blood of Lilith, the kalas of the Black Moon, is the poison which kills the children of men, but for those walking on the Left-Hand Path, this is the elixir of eternal life.

(From book 'Lilith, the Queen of Sitra Ahra)
Link to >>

Feb 14, 2018

Lilith in dreams

After several hours long ritual with Queen Lilith, She appeared in my dreams as majestic, powerful and beautiful lion, much like the one there on the left.

Power, Love, Respect, Protection - that's what our relationship means.

In this particular dream we played, ran around, and when tired, we rested together on the ground. I could feel her strong heart beating and I felt completely safe. She then transformed into a lovely girl and conversed with me in my mother tongue.

The symbolism is telling, of course. Shakti, here in the form of my Lilith, is riding upon the lion which symbolizes strength, courage and leadership.

She is with me all the time, even in dreams.

Lilith, the Queen of sitra achra book:

"As Queen of Dreams the beautiful Goddess can easily mold the mental and astral conceptions of the being, it is in this fashion that she shows as one of the deities of the Arte with who the oniric works can be achieve with little effort; this as a consequence of the already mentioned earthy and lunar influence.

Even after a couple of invocative works the presence of Lilith in dreams will be felt, and even during the drowsiness the sensation that a dark entity surrounds the walls of the bedroom and watch us can be very tangible. 

It is in such intimates encounters that knowledge regarding her true nature can be gained, Lilith it is not limited by ceremonial rituals to impart her sapience, in fact, it is of her likeness to mostly made contact with her chosen in his/her moments of weakness, when the mental defences are deactivated in the longing for resting and the believe that the day is over."

Lilith the Queen of demons